Pass Sanitaire etc - tackling with the 4th wave of the virus

i don’t know, from what the people I spoke to said they had to pay it and don’t intend to apply for a cds. Maybe we need @vero to check our French comprehension on this matter :rofl: :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :rofl: :rofl:! I’d taken my understanding from this sentence:

Is it this one you were looking for?

That is the second para, after the first one that says it applies to renewals…

I will go and look at conditions for VLS again (it’s too hot to be outdoors!)

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YOU ARE RIGHT…(and I am wrong…:face_with_hand_over_mouth::slightly_frowning_face:). I’d better tell friends, they’ve been here since spring!

Pasting the text in here for future readers

Quelle est la démarche à suivre pour valider son VLS/TS une fois arrivé en France ?

À l’arrivée en France, un cachet d’entrée dans l’espace Schengen est apposé sur le passeport du titulaire du VLS/TS par la Police aux frontières.

Dans les 3 mois suivant son entrée sur le territoire français au plus tard , l’étranger doit impérativement valider son VLS/TS en s’enregistrant auprès de l’OFII. Dans le cas où il n’effectue pas cette démarche dans le délai imparti, il ne sera plus en séjour régulier en France. Par conséquent, l’étranger sera dans l’incapacité de franchir à nouveau les frontières de l’espace Schengen.

Depuis le 18 février 2019, cette démarche obligatoire est totalement dématérialisée et se fait exclusivement en ligne . Il n’est donc plus nécessaire de prendre rendez-vous à l’OFII pour effectuer sa demande.

Pour effectuer désormais cette démarche en ligne, il suffit de vous rendre directement sur le portail de validation en ligne du VLS/TS .

Il est nécessaire de :

  • détenir une adresse électronique valide
  • fournir des informations figurant sur le visa
  • communiquer la date d’entrée en France et l’adresse de résidence
  • vous munir de votre carte de paiement afin de payer en ligne la taxe de délivrance d’un titre de séjour ou d’un timbre fiscal électronique qui correspond à la situation du titulaire du VLS/TS (par exemple, 200 euros pour un conjoint de français ou un visiteur, 60 euros pour un étudiant ou un stagiaire, etc.).

Depuis le 18 octobre 2015, il est possible de se procurer des timbres fiscaux dans les bureaux de tabac.

Selon le motif de son séjour, le ressortissant étranger sera convoqué pour réaliser des formalités complémentaires , passer une visite médicale obligatoire et/ou la visite d’accueil pour signer un CIR (Contrat d’intégration républicaine).

En cas de difficulté, n’hésitez pas à contacter le [0806 001 620](tel:0806 001 620) ou .

Si le titulaire d’un VLS/TS souhaite prolonger son séjour en France au-delà de la durée de validité de son visa, une demande de carte de séjour doit être déposée en préfecture dans les 2 mois précédant l’expiration de son VLS-TS (sauf pour les stagiaires « ICT »).

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I bet you don’t get to say that every often Jane :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Hopefully they aren’t over their 3 months!

According to OH I should say this about 5 times a day…


I think mine would say the same although I try to avoid it at ALL costs with him :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: or I never hear the end of it!


It is for all those things, you pay for a short stay card, a long stay card, a multi-year card and a residents’ card in the event that you aren’t in a category of people which gets an exemption or a discount.

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There is always a reason why he is right.
Sometimes I don’t feel so rational.


Thank you i will give it a try

France is preparing to launch a new system enabling visitors from non-EU countries to obtain a French-format health pass certificate in early August, The Connexion has been told.

So far there has been confusion around how non-EU visitors may have their test or vaccination certificates recognised in France for health pass purposes – but this is set to be clarified before the new health pass extension rules come in.

As the law extending the health pass to services such as cafés and long-distance transport is still being vetted by the Conseil constitutionnel, it is not expected to be enforced with checks before August 7 at the earliest.

By this point an online system for non-EU visitors should be in place
FROM todays Connexion !

often need some salt and a pinch though with them! Hopefully they are right this time.

This may well be my last post on this forum and many may well breathe a sigh of relief but I really can’t comprehend the lack of compassion towards the increasing number of those suffering horrific side effects and untimely death…

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I don’t think anyone will breathe a sigh of relief, far from it. I know almost nothing about you because all you post is this antivax stuff these days. I would much prefer you stayed on here and filled the forum with your opinions on life, your experience in France, all the valuable pearls of wisdom you have I’m sure that could be really interesting and helpful to us all that don’t relate to vaccines. I’m sure you’re a lovely lady with fascinating things to say but you’re so focused on this one thing you won’t let us see who you are outside of covid vaccines. Perhaps those who have been here longer than I know more about you but the fact that you don’t like covid vaccines is all I know as that seem like your sole focus since I’ve been a member. You can tell the majority of people here don’t share your views but you don’t seem to want to engage much outside this one topic at the moment which is a real shame. I’d like to have a laugh and joke with Helen, not bicker about vaccines with her!


Helen, that is shockingly sad. However the message is clear that if you have any severe allergies then you shouldn’t be vaccinated (perhaps he didnt’ know this was the case or he was an infinitesimally small % that has an issue) BUT the fact is there are a tiny number of deaths like this, which is heartbreaking. The % however is minuscule compared to the lives that the vaccine has saved. That is the fact, if you read every report of every family member who had died from covid you would be just as sad.

I hoep you don’t stop using the forum, as there are so many of your posts that for me, as a homeopathic advocate and natural medicine user, that I really appreciate. I dont’ agree with you on the vaccine issue, I’m a nurse, a midwife and the sister and sister in law, friend and colleague of all the people working on the front line (as I would be if i was allowed to work here) so I just CAN’T agree with you on this. You’ve admitted you’ve not lost people to covid, my family has and I don’t agree with the anti-vac issue, as many on here don’t. This does NOT mean I don’t feel so awful for this lad and the others that have had an adverse effect from the vaccine, but look at the figures, the tiny, tiny % of problems. It also does NOT mean I don’t want you to post anymore as you have so many interesting stories and life experience that I, and I"m sure other enjoy reading about. Don’t make it a vac / anti-vac decision.


But there are many many more suffering horrific side effects and untimely death from covid itself, isn’t something that could minimise or prevent them a good thing?
I don’t think it is a question of compassion for some deaths but not for others.
Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee. (Apologies if I have misquoted, I didn’t check)


Beautifully said @vero , far better than I did above / at the same time!


I don’t think I have ever minimised the effects of death and loss and of lockdowns and the dreadful decisions to clear hospital space and throw the elderly out of hospitals into unprepared care homes the world over and enforce DNR orders…it almost happened to my own mum as she has a DNR in place and I have POA in the event she can’t talk for herself…it took some really frantic phone calls with the hospital consultants and me talking to someone on this forum to even begin to understand what the hospital was saying to me…

But neither can I in all good conscience minimise the mounting life changing effects of these “vaccines”

It is shockingly sad but what is also shockingly sad is that in huge vaccination centres there is no informed consent…there is no risk versus benefit information…there is no information given about potential immediate and long term life threatening side effects

The French youngster I highlighted here is not an infinitesimal statistic…just on one group and I’m on many Worldwide groups there are French people adding their experiences every day…,

Maybe he did have allergies and shouldn’t have been vaccinated…(my ex can’t have any) but whose responsibility was it to tell him…??? whose failure was it that he wasn’t told…???

I watched an Australian press conference where when discussing someone who had died immediately following a vaccine the politician inferred that it was their/ the family’s own fault for not doing due diligence…

Dealing with Covid is a battle, and as with any battle there will always be unfortunate casualties.
However, surely it is a situation where the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.