Philip Schofield

I don’t much care about him and his private life. Anything untoward will no doubt be sorted out if abuse is involved.

I just hope I won’t see/hear his irritating ‘we buy any car’ adverts anymore, especially those weird contortionist ones.

Did a quick internet rummage - he doesn’t do those adverts anymore!

Sorry, couldn’t resist :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Fed up of hearing his name, daughter in US was going on about it last night after seeing the UK rags online. The bloke should have covered his tracks better and not become so bigheaded as to arouse all this rubbish.

On the other hand, perhaps the tabloids should stop milking this ‘story’ for all the unpleasantness they can bring to it and start reporting genuine news.


To me, tiktok and the tabloid press really exemplify what’s wrong with modern society.


What’s really wrong with society today is that a huge swath of the population are obsessed with so called celebrities, the media merely feed the obsession whilst obviously making shed loads of money in the process.


Good article in the Guardian re Philip Schofield today by Gaby Hinscliff.

Any chance of a link ?

Perhaps this one? Maybe @Carol can confirm.

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Yes thanks!


I haven’t had time to comment on what seems to be a somewhat complex matter but the Guardian article appears to match my view very closely.

This was not a healthy or appropriate relationship by the sound of it and I think Schofield knew that or he would not lied about it - understandable fear of a reaction to his “coming out” not withstanding.

It will, rightly, end his career - though I suspect he is wealthy enough to cope with a slightly early forced retirement. Many people who face job loss in their late 50’s or early 60’s are not so lucky (cf I, Daniel Blake).

I have no sympathy - gay or straight Schofield should have chosen his sexual partners with more care.

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If its true, it is horrible how all his so called work colleagues are now joining in this circus. I doubt he will ever work in the public eye again and you have to feel sorry for his kids and wife. Time to move on and stop, Ukraine is more worthy of reporting and what is happening there.


I agree and I do not subscribe to @billybutcher’s harsh view. Two consenting adults can make up their own minds about something which, for all we know, was deep and genuine. As for the betrayal of his wife and family, I am on my 2nd marriage and the guilt of what led up to that still lives with me but I do not expect others to say that my whole career should have been brought to a halt as a result.

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One partner being groomed from a young age is not the same as two consenting adults


Quite, it’s not clear to what extent “grooming” was happening but this was not an equal relationship.

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Who cares what he (whoever he is) and the other person were doing, as long as there’s no coercion etc or anything illegal going on it isn’t actually anyone else’s business and it’s certainly not news, just a prurient sideshow.
If all the people now piling on to condemn were aware of any coercion why didn’t they blow whistles earlier? It’s very easy to clamber up onto the moral high ground post hoc in the hope of not being the next for the chop.


Again, total agreement and I think this

Quite, it’s not clear to what extent “grooming” was happening but this was not an equal relationship.

says it all and the last 4 words are BS. There are many such relationships, perfectly valid and acceptable, except to the narrow of mind.

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I know of very few relationships were one partner is in their 50s and another in their teens


I don’t think you need to be that narrow-minded to raise a private eyebrow at relationships with a big age difference, I don’t see how it can be an equal relationship if one is old enough to be the other’s parent, however, lots of people are perfectly happy in such relationships and just because I think it’s not for me there’s no reason (bar coercion etc) why they can’t have one.


My father was nearly 20 years older than my Mum, if anything she was the dominant partner, but the relationship under discussion also involves work and professional considerations

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