Price of hearing aids

I have been quoted a devis for hearing aids by a local audiologist (model Phonak L50) of €1490 each before any reimbursement. Searching on the web I can find sites advertising the same model for €950 if I go to the nearest city Toulouse. Am I just paying a huge mark up for shopping locally or am I missing something and am I likely to end up with a similar devis when I get there?

The devil may well be in the detail, and an advert that is dès €950 could well turn out to be €1450 once you are in the door! Is your devis broken down at all so you can see if there are other things that add to costs?

And look closely at the small print of the ad as might well be the price after the SS remboursement!

Have you asked you local place to explain?

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Is that with any specific or bespoke ear moulds. We managed to get those included in the price for my Mum.

No is not “dès €950”. Each model is priced individually. There are no extras in the devis apart from a “free” charging unit which is around €200 extra at the cheaper place.

Yes my next step is to go back to the local place and try and negotiate them down. What I am looking for is ammunition for my query.

Thanks for that Corona. Could be a negotiating point.

Yes, that’s my intention. I was just seeking the experience of others who may have negotiated successfully.

have you asked for the hearing aids which are “free” (paid by the State) … ???
I’m sure some forumites have had these fitted and very pleased with them…

but, from experience, I know the ones with rechargable batteries don’t come under that banner and cost a lot of money (unless my pal was short-changed).
Ones which fit in the ear and have replaceable batteries should be free… ???
Go ahead and ask…

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How incredibly stupid is that in a world that is supposed to be greener?

We have a friend who has the free ones and he’s thrilled to bits with them.

Forumite, had to read twice and then realised the reference. I have hearing aids and extremely pleased with them. Cost was 1950 euros which was all covered by CPAM and my mutuelle.
Very tidy piece of kit that are well hidden. The battery unit sits behind the ear with a transparent wire leading to the small grommet in the ear.
Batteries replaced every week.
Unless you really want to pay a fortune for aids that do the same as mine then so be it.
I have had mine for 18 months and after 4 years I can replace them with the state and mutuelle covering tge cost again.
Included in the deal are 6 monthly visits to check all is well.
I see adverts on uk tv with aids costing as little as xxx, come to france,they can be free.


Incredibly stupid?

Very good point Stella! Every devis should include a 100% santé offer now, whether you asked for it or not.
And I think there may now be 100% santé options for aids with rechargeable batteries now, which doesn’t mean your friend was fleeced but just that the world has moved on.

As has been mentioned above, @Mik_Bennett , if the devis is for aids that are rechargeable rather than having batteries, that could be a large part of the cost. Some of them also communicate with your mobile phone and all sorts of other fancy things.

When I was looking at the situation a few years back, I fell for the spiel about how much easier it is putting the aids in a case to recharge overnight than changing batteries (and of course there is an ongoing cost to buying batteries.) However, there have been occasions when the aids haven’t recharged because they weren’t fully plugged in and in that case there is nothing you can do apart from put them back in and wait.

Also, unlike @JohnBoy , I found that my mutuelle’s contribution to the cost was peanuts, as was the CPAM contribution. I ended up paying well over 3000 euros for the two and it was not a particularly sophisticated set of aids. Shan’t be doing that again, believe me, and will change mutuelle for one in which aids are more generously covered.

This was, naturally, just before the 100% Sante scheme arrived.

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yes the 100% sante scheme is the key.
limited range but still excellent choice.
I steered away from having hearing aids for years as I had in my head the vision of old folk having what looked like a large radio tucked behind their ear emitting various levels of whining .
Not so now and providing you have a mutuelle then you really do get something for nothing.
I understand the same scheme operates for spectacles.

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Depends on the mutuelle and the level of cover one can afford.

Not sure about that.
It is my understanding that even the entry level of the mutuelle tiers has to refund the cost over and above CPAM providing the estimate falls within the 100% sante scheme.
perhaps @fabien can enlighten us.

The principle of 100% santé is that everyone with a responsable mutuelle should be able to get suitable glasses, hearing aids and basic dental treatment for no more that 1€.

“propose à tous les Français, bénéficiant d’une complémentaire santé responsable ou de la Complémentaire santé solidaire, des soins et un large choix d’équipements en audiologie, optique et dentaire, qui sont pris en charge à 100%. “

You can choose to pay for higher quality, but it’s a choice.

Most mutuelles will be “responsable” but it is possible that some on here might have opted for the classy end of the spectrum and miss out on these things. This explains the difference

Qu’est-ce qu’un contrat de mutuelle non responsable ? -

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The concept is simple in theory but not so simple in real life. First you need to make sure you have a mutuelle that’s 100% santé compatible. They are almost all compatible but hospitalisation only plans aren’t for example so it’s the first step. 2/ Then you need to make sure you have a quote with at least one option that is clearly labeled as “100% santé compatible” as well (sans reste à charge). 3/ You need to pick up that option, if you choose another one you won’t be refunded based on the refund you may have had on the 100% santé option.

To sum-up you need:

  1. A 100% santé compatible mutuelle
  2. A 100% santé option on your quote
  3. To pick up the 100% santé option which will then be refunded in full (minus 1€) by both the mutuelle and CPAM.

Hope that helps?


Many thanks :+1:

So if you don’t have a mutuelle how much is covered by clam?