Prince Andrew

I’m certain they will now that the naughty prince has withdrawn from public life.
I can fully understand their stance tbh. They are subject to commercially based influences and given his tainting, to continue with the arrangement could harm their viability.
Just remember the debacle over the RSPCA and the use of their donations to fund prosecutions for hunting; not their remit and people cancelled their standing donations in droves so a very real threat.


I understand where you are coming from… however, unless the “good causes” are in themselves not so good… I really do feel sad that the funds get withdrawn. People in Need (whatever form that takes) … are just that… their need does not vanish. I would prefer the companies to say something like… we have investigated where our money goes and (despite PA etc) we feel the money is doing a great deal of good… :thinking::upside_down_face:

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but that might just be perceived as giving some perverse acceptance of his actions… they need to force the issue - which in this case they seem to have done.

It’s about reputational damage - Prince Andrew as a brand is now tainted so there is a point where being associated with him is a negative thing for those charities which are sponsered by him or those companies who donated to causes that he supports.

Some things blow over and get forgotten - however in this day and age association with paedophilia, even at arm’s length, sticks tenaciously.


I know, I know… yet I still hanker for some assurance that the fall-out (withdrawal of support/funds) will not adversely touch those in real need. :upside_down_face:

Of course, there is no easy path…

(on a slight detour… what about those folk who reckon Johnson is a liar and a cheat… yet he is still flavour of the month with so many others … how come ??? Who will be swiftly distancing themselves from Him if he ever gets found out ???)


Unfortunately no-one wins in situations like these. :frowning_face:


I agree - but perhaps the best we can hope for is that the loss of funds will be minimised.


Not those people who say ‘Don’t confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up’.
You just have to look at those who are still continuing to support Trump.
By the way, the refusal of the American woman who killed the young boy in Northamptonshire to come to UK seems to have been forgotten in all of this.
What is sauce for the goose tc.

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I’m frightened you may implode reading this Jane

Nothing the present government does will surprise me.
The Tories are now so far from the party we used to vote for that they are totally off our radar.
We need to know the contents of the Report from Dominic Grieve’s Select Committee before polling day and not a blacked out redacted version either!

Raab should just fuck off


Probably a future PM !

I am hoping the good people of Esher vote him out!

He’s a lowlife Tory fuckwit


That’s what Peter said

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I thought he received 250k a year from the Sovereign Grant? He also lives at Royal Lodge paying a measly 13,500k a year rent. (He paid 1 million up front for a 75 year lease) and presumably any repairs etc will be paid by the Crown Estates. Then there is the cost of his security. I think he does quite well out of the taxpayer.

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You may say that, Jane, I couldn’t possibly comment. :zipper_mouth_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

And how much of his wealth is spent on the pursuit of esoteric adult pleasures of the Epstein variety?

As long as it is adult and consenting…