QAnon - Mmm. Has the States gone mad, or maybe I'm just getting old?

That’s sad Jane.

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David, to my mind the scary thing is that many in the US thought surely the majority wouldn’t vote for T%$*@p. If that makes sense…

That the presidential race was close enough, back in 2016, to make the corruption make such a difference to the outcome, was the bewildering thing, I think. But then again, it’s too complex an issue to sum up in just a few words.

I don’t think it was corruption Mary. I think was more effective propaganda and Facebook and Twitter were the vehicles that delivered it. There is no reason to believe it will not be that same this time around. The effective use of Social Media by psychopaths is IMO the biggest threat to democracy.


I see.

I don’t think it was corruption Mary. I think was more effective propaganda and Facebook and Twitter were the vehicles that delivered it. There is no reason to believe it will not be that same this time around. The effective use of Social Media by psychopaths is IMO the biggest threat to democracy.


I have a picture of Lisa Jane in Ramsey Harbour painted by my Dad before he died.

That and the weird ‘Electoral College’ system where the vote from Wyoming 'pop300,000, is worth the same as California with 11 million?

What lunatic dreamed that up?

Don’t try and explain it - I have read it twnty times and the last thing it has any association with, is Democracy. But then again surely the Americans realise this?

I pray that I will be wrong, but there seem too many avenues open to a creep like Trump to help push him back into a second term. Not least of which is his status of Supreme Commander of the Military! Look what he’s up to in Democratic cities with his paramilitary ‘stormtroopers’ of so-called Federal Agents!

america and the world beware of this psychotic moron!!!


This is up on sticks somewhere Chesapeake Bay way. Been ashore for years. The friend who owns it is talking, once again, of bringing it back this side. But he’s a bit worried about his shore storage arrears, now approx US$ 15k … He thinks, that as an ex-boatyard owner, I may be able to negotiate something. With boot on other foot, once arrears reached 2/3 value of boat, I sued.

Be a hoot to do the trip, tho’

Colin Archer double-ender

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Lovely boat… don’t talk about fees and maintenance… once they banned antifouling that actually worked having my bottom (and wallet) scrubbed twice year wasn’t pleasant.

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I don’t see Trump starting too many oversea wars unless you count Trade Wars. He doesn’t seem keen to impose USA’s way of life on other Nations.

Sons (and daughters) dying on foreign fields isn’t a vote grabbing strategy. Let’s see what happens if there’s a second term.

I didn’t say that, I said he hasn’t started any Wars unlike most of the 40 odd Previous Presidents. The alternatives to Trump are all peace lovers are they? I’m all for being educated by people that know.

Hillary Clinton and Obama did good, the Bushes did even better with their peaceful terms of office.
Trump ain’t no Angel but I don’t think he can be counted as a Warmonger.

Trump isn’t a politician though so shouldn’t be compared to recent presidents who have had to deal with wars, terrorism and a global economic crisis. The current CV pandemic highlights Trump’s complete lack of aptitude for the job of being in the White House or frankly anywhere near political office of any kind, the guy is just a soundbite reality tv star who has used his inherited wealth to lead his country. The biggest issue the US faces is not Trump but the ridiculous electoral system that has not only allowed him to sit in the Oval Office for the last four years but it could well let him continue until 2024.


I didn’t say you said it Michael. It was an observation, that’s all.

Hormone beef and chlorinated chicken in UK shops because it is cheaper than raising animals ethically.
Many chickens are killed at 31 days, my Label Rouge are 81 minimum.

Drove by an “oeufs a vendre” small holding yesterday. Loads of happy chickens running around their large enclosure.


Nothing wrong with chlorine, I’ve just been swimming in it and it is used to supply us with safe tap water.
What is wrong is the standard of poultry keeping that makes it necessary.


Trump is a Businessman and is running America like a business. Bush Obama Clinton’s all have blood on their hands and money as their driving force. Hilary ruined Libya and Murdered its leader for what reason? Greed!

Sadly, Michael, his business approach - money first which is the criticism you have made of previous Presidents - means he’s putting the economy before the health of the American public and has the blood of tens of thousands of Covid-19 victims on his hands. I suspect many more than were killed in the wars started by those 3 previous Presidents.
Izzy x