QAnon - Mmm. Has the States gone mad, or maybe I'm just getting old?

He strengthened the economy long before COVID raised its head so you surely can’t compare those two things. COVID was and is an unknown virus that no country has managed to beat and it seems it will be here for many years. How can you compare wars and invading foreign soil with how Trump has handled this Virus, the intentional murder of innocent men women and children by the three previous Presidents and not forgetting the charming Hillary and Benghazi. My personal opinion and only my personal opinion is I would rather have Trump and his record of cleaning house than many that have gone before him.

All his businesses have been taxdodging personal cashcows which haven’t worked.


Are you living in the US, then? Trump is the precise opposite of what we like admire and respect in France. (speaking as a French person).


It doesn’t bother you that he is a racist, a bigot, a sexist, a misogynist, a xenophobe, a serial adulterer, a narcissist, a bully, a liar, has bankrupted 6 of his businesses (great businessman clearly!!!), has the vocabulary of a 5 year old (unless he’s reading the words written for him) and is intellectually equal to a baboon? Someone who prefers to alienate his allies and cosy up with tyrants like the Saudi’s and Kim Jong-Un? Oh my word, I could go on…
But the economy is improving… yay!


This article puts it perfectly!


The facts are that Trump inherited an economy that was already getting stronger.

Trump’s ill judged trade wars did little to help the USA economy:

“How can you compare wars and invading foreign soil with how Trump has handled this Virus,”?
Answer - by Trump’s dereliction of duty and the body count!


I’ve read that he has bankrupted 12 so far

I’m unsure whether I agree with you.
I suspect that the baboon has the edge.


The founding fathers.

I want to double-like your post!

Oh is it 12 Nigel, I was being generous it seems! Having seen the “person woman man camera TV” report on Fox News I think you are right about the baboon comparison.
This is brilliant on Twitter by Sarah Cooper. The words are all Trump, not altered at all, as he said them. Hilarious!
Izzy x


The mistake many people make is imagining that the Founding Fathers really believed in democracy. Quite apart from the fact that what they really had in mind were the rights not of humans in general but of a certain class and colour and sex, the electoral college system was quite openly - explicitly - designed to prevent any power passing to the people in general.

The enlightenment and its ‘liberal democracy’ philosophy are clearly - not only in the writings of the Americans, but in those of its great European advocates like Locke and Voltaire - all about the transition of power from royalty and aristocracy not to the people in general, but to property-owning men: ie., it was an aspect of the birth pains of capitalism as it emerged from feudalism in Europe, and was exported or imposed on other parts of the world.

The fight for real democracy, both in government and other areas of life (the co-operative movement, etc) has been carried on for the last 250 years largely against the defenders of ‘liberal democracy’.


I honestly don’t know that much about US history - but I was quite clear that the system was set up precisely because it was felt that the population could not be trusted with a vote.

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Veronique, as I said my opinion, no I don’t live in the USA but France and like you I can say and think as I like as long as I’m not offending anyone. If the posters are offended by my opinions then say and I shall stop posting/answering political posts.

Irene please do go on, I’m interested in your opinions. Then after you have gone on maybe you could tell me what Obama has done for the USA Or Bush or Clinton, I know about Clinton’s shannigans So you can skip that.

Nigel, You compare war with a Virus, I’m not a Doctor nor have I been involved in any wars but I can see the difference between the two and to use that as an example where innocents have been murdered in their tens of thousands and put down as collateral damage all for Oil/Gold/Money is appalling.

What I find appalling is Trump’s deliberate mishandling of the pandemic which has no doubt been responsible for a large part of the 147,000 American deaths (so far).

Trump may not have started a full scale war however under his presidency there have been numerous examples of American ‘interference’ as detailed in the following article:

Lastly what about his ‘private army’ that he is sending in mostly Democratically run cities?


I think you get the gist Michael, I’m not a Trump fan.
At least the one’s that you criticised attempted to serve their people, it’s pretty clear Trump is in it for himself.
You obviously care about this way more than I do so I will leave you to it.
Izzy x


You may be interested to know that Wyoming actually has 3 Electoral College votes whereas California has 55. The number of Electoral College votes for each state is weighted according to population; Texas 38, Maryland 10.
If you follow this link; and then scroll about halfway down the page, you will find a nice interactive map which will give you the number of Electoral College votes for each state as you roll your cursor over them.

Readers may also be interested to know that Joe Biden is currently forecast to have a lead of 156 Electoral College votes and is therefore highly likely to be the next President come January next year.

Exactly. I did point out that there should not be competition based on price v. animal welfare.

Thanks for that, and although generally I view The Economist with reservations, this is illuminating. For once - and with my shaky mathematics, it would seem that an Electoral Vote is related to 100,000 actual votes BUT there is no explanation of this element - as obviously each State would presumably have a mix of Democrat and Republican votes? For example Clinton claimed to have won the ‘popular vote’ by some three million which is substantial if true.
I am not an electoral whizz, but this system does seem to lower the value of ‘a’ vote’. I suppose this can be directed at most systems except PR. Ihope the predictions are correct, as surely America deserves (internationally at least) someone better than Trump . Warmonger or not, like all the others the US war machine continues to grow year on year,and the USA still has over 100 military bases around the world, and make no mistake DO interfere in other countries’ affairs even more than Russia is accused of doing - it has far greater resources for starters.
Covering more ground in the same reply (as is urged) Trade Wars, and Sanctions are just as much elements of war as anything else -sometimes more so. Destruction, or attempted destruction of another country’s economy and lifestyle is never a friendly act!
Finally making comparisons with past Presidents is irrelevant. Trump IS the President at this time, as loathsome as I find him.
Just for the record - as if it matters, I thought Clinton was a good overall President, but the rest, including Obama mostly bad.
But not being an American that too is irrelevant. Only where America directly affects me do I give a stuff about the place. Trump is forcefed to us daily so is impossible to ignore.