QAnon - Mmm. Has the States gone mad, or maybe I'm just getting old?

It’s all very well getting rid of Trump but Joe Biden isn’t the answer to the problems in the US, another four years wasted.

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Yep - research after the last election indicated that Sanders would have beaten Trump - and by some margin - yet the Democrats seem to have managed to select the wrong candidate yet again.

Here’s me trying to accelerate the trend I started to get fook and fooking established as the default polite obscenity on SF.

And my efforts are already being undermined by nasty little apostrofookingsised inverted commas!

Thats not playing by the gentlemans rule’s!

Sorr’y but it had to be said. :upside_down_face:

Otherwise I agree with you. :hugs:

It’s least worst option time Tim.

Just like in 2016.

I agree, but isn’t it truly strange that all the candidates are old farts? (NB I am one myself!) Surely there must be some 40-60 year old politicians in the USA? Or have the old establishment just sealed it up for themselves?
Whatever else Trump et al,have done they have shown that something is desperately wrong over there.

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It’s a long road and expensive road to the White House Norman, you either have to be wealthy or can generate millions in donations like Obama to pay for the advertising.

Worse IMO. Trump’s gang have enhanced their social media manipulation capabilities.

I’m grinning, but not from evil intent to undermine your noble endeavour, please be assured.

I’ll go edit it?

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@MaryW should I edit it?

Oh dear me, no! Stet as a memorial to the sorry history of the pusillanimous f*** .

And your gracious offer has not gone unnoticed, it was fooking brill! :hugs::heartbeat:

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Let’s not forget that also running for Presidential Office are;
Howard Gresham Hawkins 67 yrs (born December 8, 1952) for the Green Party
Joanne Marie Jorgensen 63 yrs (born May 1, 1957) for the Libertarian Party.

You forgot to mention Kanye West. :grinning:

Has he actually registered to be officially on the ballot yet, or is he still running on the basis of being a ‘write-in’ candidate ?

Would we notice the difference if there were a diagnosed bi-polar incumbent rather than the present one?

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Might be nice if the position was just left vacant. (Necessary Covid economies etc.)

I think we might notice one small difference. I read somewhere his nomination has yet to gain the required minimum advance support. So the fairly obvious ploy of trying to split the black vote doesn’t look as if its working?
How many days left now?

I’m not sure about these Johnny-come-latelies - what’s wrong with fark(ing), feck(ing) and effing which all have a longer pedigree on the site? :smiling_imp:

Why do people have to use obscenities anyway? Genuine question

Because they are part of the language?

They can - with judicious and limited use - enhance the message. But like any spice, it is easy to overdo it.


Reminds me of the transcripts of the Nixon tapes and all too regular occurrence of “Expletive deleted.”