Quitas fiscale

Cheers Wendy… it’s just that my Man said something about all vehicles except… **** and I can’t recall what he said… possibly light vans… but Peugeot 207 should be no problem.

Thanks Stella.

Just been going through this thread with interest!
With regard to Grahame managing to register his imports without a Quitus Fiscale it points to a major cock-up by the prefecture which is rare. If you import a used car from another EU country a qf is obligatory. There are no exceptions. The ANTS site has this -
"L’immatriculation d’un véhicule acheté dans un autre pays de l’union européenne* ne peut être effectuée par le service préfectoral, que sur présentation d’un certificat fiscal attestant que le véhicule est en situation régulière au regard de la TVA.

Le certificat fiscal (modèle 1993 VT REC) doit être demandé auprès du service des impôts des entreprises de votre domicile dans un délai de 15 jours suivant la livraison. Vous pouvez trouver ses coordonnées à partir de votre adresse sur le site www.impots.gouv.fr

A cette demande seront joints les justificatifs d’achat du véhicule (facture, certificat d’immatriculation à l’étranger, certificat de conformité du constructeur), ainsi qu’une pièce d’identité et un justificatif de domicile."

The situation with regard to lights is also very clear & is a national standard. Trouble is some CT stations have either not read the new regulations or have decided to go “rogue”. The standards are set by UTAC & state that headlights for RHD cars are a fail, EXCEPT those with a device for making the beam flat, such as adhesive tape or an internal device. It does also state that anything on the glass that greatly reduces the light is a fail, again except for RHD vehicles with a sticker covering the left hand “kick-up” to make the beam flat. Lights must pass a check on a “reglophare” & the CT station ones are quite sophisticated, using a laser to position the machine correctly & sensors to indicate the beam aim. The results are shown on a digital readout. I have one in my workshop just for this situation.

The rear fog light is also addressed. In the section covering fog lights (front & rear), if the lights do not have the right “emitted colour, position, intensity
or marking” then they are “not in accordance with the
requirements”. For the rear fog light the regulations are thus -
Rear fog lamps
Mandatory presence for vehicles put into service from 01/10/1990.
Position: rear of the vehicle.
Color: red.
Minimum height above the ground: 250 mm.
Maximum height above the ground: 1,000 mm.
The following are authorised: a fog lamp on the left side, a fog lamp in the middle (median plane of the
vehicle), or two lights (left and right side).

I’m sure that some people will tell of CT testers who have not failed their cars with a fog light on the right but that will be because the tester is inefficient.

[ INSTRUCTION TECHNIQUE IT VL F4C - ECLAIRAGE](http://www.utac-otc.com/vehicule_leger/Pages/base-documentaire.aspx?Category=4c21f98c-9d2d-4faa-981e-3ea18f4ed6f3&SCategory=107&Document=220&DocumentName=INSTRUCTION TECHNIQUE IT VL F4C - ECLAIRAGE)