Renew French Driving Licence

Hi everybody, I know this has been asked before but the link I tried doesn’t seem to work.

My french driving licence has on the front an expiry date of 07.07.21 and on the back against the vehicle types 18.06.21 - I’m not sure which date is when my licence expires but both are quite soon so I need to start the process.

I’ve tried the ANTs site but can’t work out where to go for re-newing a licence - can anyone help ?

The date on the front is the validity of the photocard, not your entitlement to drive. The dates on the back are the commencement & (where applicable) the expiry of the right to drive whichever category they are against.

If you have an expiry date against a category it means you are required to take a medical to continue to drive that category (e.g. for heavy goods, buses etc.). HOWEVER, if you only have an expiry against B+E (cars with trailer over 750kg), then you can ignore it as the requirement for a medical has now been dropped.

Is the a UK driving licence?

If so, all licence exchanges are currently blocked. We are all hoping this will be resolved soon, but as yet no date has been provided. So no point even looking at the ANTS site.

The date on the front (4b) is the date the photo card expires. In theory you should not drive after that date, and if stopped you will be fined 135€.

There should be a date on the back under 11b. This is the date your whole licence expires and you must not drive after that date as it is illegal and you will have insurance problems. It is most commonly your 70th birthday…

I can’t remember what the dates against the vehicle types stand for…

And unless something changes after 31/12/21 no one with a UK licence can drive in France.

Hi Jane - I have a french driving licence, thank heavens :slight_smile:

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Hi Jonathan, thanks very much for the information. Sorry to be a bit thick but on the back on my licence (and my partners is the same) - I have
A - motorbike - jusqu’au 18.06.21
B - car - jusqu’au 18.06.21
BE - car trailer - jusqu’au 18.06.21
As always after spending ages trying and failing on the ANTs site, immediately after I posted my question I managed to find the right place - I have now applied for a re-newed licence, said no to requiring a medical (it seemed to only apply to large vehicles) and am about to send my form off with my non digital photo - do you know if it is OK for me to carry on driving after 18.06 if I haven’t received my new licence by then ?

You’ve got me on the A & B problem. Mine has no expiry date for those categories, just for my heavy goods. Maybe a snoop around here would help…