Request to those who wish to debate politics

That’s true and probably the underlying cause of cronyism and corruption around the World :roll_eyes:

I’m not sure either is good for one’s health :slightly_smiling_face:

I think this comes down to my previous question in this thread John: what is ‘politics’?
I know you’re quite focused on politics in the sense of goings on in parliaments, the Élysée Palace, or whatever - but my interest is rather in what you might call the politics of everyday life - the history of ideas, ‘political economy’, how economic and cultural change comes about. So for me there is often little difference between commenting on a social or political movement in the UK or in France - or other countries.

Where I agree with you is that when I post on other countries there is little reaction, compared with posts on the UK - but this doesn’t surprise me. Not only do most contributors here still have votes and other interests in the UK - some frequent posters actually still live there - they just have second homes or other interests in France.

But I also don’t see the point of worrying about what other people post about, or fail to post about. I see it as entirely up to them. If it doesn’t interest me, I adopt the simple remedy of not bothering to read it!


Yes, while my focus is much narrower and immediate I can understand that.

Just because ‘we’ are in France now, does not preclude a return to the UK at some point.
Additionally, as well as financial ties (pensions, investments etc) I’m fairly certain that many have family and friends in the UK.


Everything is politics.


It was actually bullying.
And I see it’s continued.

If someone smokes near me and their fumes are intruding into my different conversation then I’ll politely ask that smoker if they could move away.
Note I’m not asking them not to smoke, just to smoke somewhere else where their smoke will not reach here where we’re not smoking.

Remenber the abuse we used to get from smokers?
Now, smokers smoke outside.


But some people still object to smokers outside, which seems unfair. (I don’t smoke).

I think ideally one should be able to discuss anything in a civilised way and if that isn’t possible perhaps think of Wittgenstein, wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muß man schweigen.
Alas I also think if you can’t discuss things they probably fester and all it takes for evil to prevail is people standing by and saying nothing, so obv not the same response in all circumstances.

But in the long run we are all dead anyway.

I agree Vero. No issue with someone smoking.

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particularly when they clutter the entrance door to a building and one has to run the gauntlet of a haze of disgusting smelling smokers (and fag ends) who seldom give way to provide a pollution free access…


Here is one member that will receive a German and an UK pension. But even though I worked less years in Germany, my basic pension is much higher from the ‘fatherland’…
Yet I follow UK politics, but only to gleefully point out to UK friends that our move to France was the right devision.
Being the newshound I am, I also follow US, Canadian, German and other European news. Sometimes with dispair - but a bit of crusty bread, some cheese and a glass of wine while sitting in the garden cheers me up immensely.



In London seeing smokers outside buildings and stuck to the rails of half-staircases in the porch of buildings smoking away I am often reminded of prostitutes hanging around in doorways on the street waiting for business. Miaou.

One January in the early 80s a lover who lived in Paris took me on discovery walk down Rue Blondel. The Ladies of the Evening wore big fur coats they would flash open in invitation as we walked by. A bit intimidating. Never wore my fur coat again.

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perhaps the bare necessities of life in Paris :thinking:

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You shouldnt have let your lover wear your fur coat :thinking:

I don’t mind smokers and vapers make me howl with laughter, especially the ones who have their robot’s knob, err vape set to emit “New Pope elected” amounts of vape clouds.

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why? So I can attract people who just regurgitate and cherry pick the bits they like without making any effort to verify the facts.

Doesn’t sound like you like your friends very much :rofl:

Maybe if you “quoted” whatever you’re commenting on we’d have a chance to follow the discussion.


Keep digging David, keep digging :joy:

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