Rugby World Cup

Good question. It looks like a job by a management consultant. In other words, something unnecessary and expensive that serves no useful purpose. There are 101 full members and 18 associate members in the Rugby Union, but there appears to be no competition to eliminate and qualify participants. The ones in the competition this year are the top countries more or less, although I am surprised Canada is not there given they are pretty good compared to some of the others. The Swiss and Germans are not bad either, Denmark has been in a world Cup once I think, but then who has ever really explained the football World Cup entire elimination system given that almost all of the 196 nations in the world have teams (the Vatican does not, which doesn't surprise me but would be amusing with all those senile cardinals...).

Can someone explain the pool system to me reading my sud-ouest it seems that the competition has been seeded.

Ireland deserved it, good finish from Romania though - albeit the conversion couldn't have been easier. I think the Irish were solid and had a strategy from beginning to end but the Romanians just played their hearts out. Italy used to be laughed at but in the end made it the six nations every year, could Romania just be edging in that direction too?

Aye! Words has it the supplies of Irn Bru, pies, bridies and Mars reached the dressing room just in time for half time. Then they had no chance ;-)

Well that (Scotland/USA) was OK once we stopped being such a bunch of jessies.

Many others were tipping Wales, it was a hard one to call but England gave it away with endless silly penalties. Lets hope Wales & the other home nations take that passion into the rest of their games, could make for some interesting games, fingers crossed!

Tough one there you Aussies, fancy allowing Uruguay to get 3 points which really slaps your 65 down to size ;-)

Yes, they look on form and France look strong too but lets wait for surprises. Many of the pundits were saying England would walk it last night, hmmmmm!

The mighty All Blacks.....I hope :)

Well done the Boyos, I was on the edge of the sofa the whole time! And fingers & toes crossed for tomorrow. What a fun World Cup this is turning into :-)

A post was merged into an existing topic: Rugby world cup :rugby_football:

The above post on this thread is from Oct '15 - is tit he same one ‘that’s still going on’ today, only It’s not like that in football…