Rugby World Cup

That was a very good game last night. The French margin at half time was minimal and a win never assured until the last few minutes of the game. It was tough, Canada's coach saying they could win before the match was not so absurd ultimately. The game at tier two is coming on very fast and that means the future of rugby union is bright and future world cups should get increasingly exciting. We may not take 'little' nations like Georgia too seriously now but as the game improves their like along with Namibia, etc will be pulled along with it. That cannot be bad at all.

Even the Jocks' group would have been a doddle...

Talk about the 'group of death' !

...that Wales shortened further.

Mickey Mouse group - England drew the short straw...

It is France versus Canada this evening. Canada are claiming to be on form and have the strength to take France. Wow! Well they have to talk themselves up, everybody does. However, what will be the mood tomorrow if they should do what they claim?

I sincerely hope so, Chris!

New Zealand of course

The Welsh Dragon found its roar and fire at exactly the right moment and England were intimidated. Dan Biggers final kick was utterly breathtaking, straight as a flaming arrow that plunged into the heart of England. One of the great victories.

All Blacks, Ireland, Austrailia, Wales are my pick for the Semi Finals.
Fantastic World Cup.

Bet the Cullen Skink went down well at half-time too !

Dissappointed with the English, not the fact that Wales won but as Debbie pointed out, the lack of discipline. The ref made it quite clear of what he expected and would tolerate. The English overstepped to mark and didn't learn hence the penalties. Biggar was on great form (like Farrell) and punished us.

Still optimistic we will beat the Aussies so the game against Uraguay will be the decider (I hope !)

Four, Ireland won convincingly although Scotland cost some nerves but this morning a couple of chats with locals were congratulatory all round - especially the USA and England being shafted.

Thanks for the comments (As a Welshy family and rugby enthusiasts! We were at a local commune supper (Moules et Frites) on Saturday night and the whole ensemble celebrated with us when the results came in!! Two celtic nations together.

Problem solved. Sud Ouest had omitted two of the quarter finals in the little guide they had produced.

I have cousins and their offspring (and now their offspring) across Canada. I get the impression that British Columbia is the real centre of rugby with Alberta, Ontario and Newfoundland to a lesser extent, the rest are perhaps American football people, certainly there are clubs in some of the eastern cities. Quebec? One of my cousins in Victoria on Vancouver Island captained their team and was selected by the country but never played an international, nonetheless when he went 'home' to visit family in Scotland the local paper did a 'one of ours, international rugby star' story - photocopies were sent out to just about the whole family, it was useful for lighting a fire ;-)

Thanks, clicking on tiers at the bottom makes it a bit clearer even.

To be honest, the only reason that I noticed that they were in the mix is because my son is in Canada at the moment and I meant to ask him how much following they have there. I too had no idea how the teams actually reach the World Cup.
Thank you Véronique, I am now informed.

Here you are:

Oh aye!

Doh, that escaped me. I honestly did not notice them...

Yes John, but that does not explain any kind of competitive elimination that would decide who plays. With 119 countries and some possibly improving, for instance Venezuela who beat Argentina a couple of years ago resoundingly to come up with this short list is hardly well explained.

I knew there had to be a reason ;-) tunnocks teacakes too I expect

If Canada are not in the competition, who are France playing on Thursday? The real minnows of World rugby are probably not at the World Cup as there is actually an unequal competition Law that allows the referee to stop totally one sided matches.