S1 dependent

I really don’t understand it. There are some things, particularly regarding health and finance that do not need to be shared. I can’t imagine how awful it must be for people, usually women, in abusive , controlling relationships, to have a partner have control over such things.

When the system changed a few years back they got rid of the ayant droit option, and everyone gets their own PUMA account even if (eg) their rights come from a partner. EXCEPT for S1 beneficiaries!! I guess there arenot enough to make it worth adapting their IT programmes

Wouldn’t it be better for them to adapt their IT systems so they actually are modern and work properly :yum:

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This is solely the situation for people in a dependent S1 situation which is becoming extremely rare (and is often quite short-term in any case) My understanding when we spoke to CPAM (and I could be wrong of course) was that they had removed the dependency facility for normal healthcare. In fact, I was surprised after Brexit that the UK was still issuing dependency S1s :smiley:

My S1 story continues….

I turned 66 in April so started to get UK state pension, and became eligible for my own S1. Currently I am a beneficiary of my partner’s S1. I stuck it on my ‘to do’ list as since current system works I didn’t think it urgent. And makes no difference as UK pays for both of us at the moment so not being fraudulent.

Letter arrived to my partner yesterday saying that they had been informed by the UK government that I was now eligible for my own S1. As a consequence they had eradicated me from his account! They urged me to send them an S1 as soon as possible to establish my rights again. And yes, no sign of me on our Ameli account, no attestation de droits, nothing - paf! I’m a non-being!

And yes it will get sorted, but will probably take more than a couple of days and I am due to pick up €800 worth of drugs from the pharmacy on Monday! Could be a very awkward and expensive few weeks…

(Lesson to all - things are becoming more joined up so France : UK communications are happening)


When my partner was in that sort of limbo, he “just” got the feuille de soins from the doctor and got all the money back - hope your new pension covers things in the mean time :smiley:

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Could your situation have become complicated now that you have french citizenship?

I would be extremely suprised if it did! @JaneJones is entitled to her state pension based on her NI payments. What does additional citizenship have to do with that?

I dont know, just asking the question!

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Just spent the first month’s pension payment on a trip to Bâle for a concert!! Piggy Bank time I think…

I’m actually hoping that having French ID will make the functionnaire who deals with this more positive as I’m not a pesky foreigner,

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Sounds very possible! Hope so…

I used the feuilles de soins when my Carte Vitale stopped working, it took 8 weeks to get reimbursed, this is the norm apparently.

That’s about the length of time I had to wait when my temporary SI number ran out, but that was quite a few years back. It obviously hasn’t changed much!

Happy birthday!

Mme got her state pension last last year and we called pension service / pension S1 place and got 2 S1’s for her and me as dependent to replace my frontallier S1 and her’s as my dependent. Posted and arrived very quick from UK - maybe a week.?

Took these to CPAM and in about a month if I recall her new account was set up. Mine remains with my frontalier S1. I got a letter about a month after her account set up, via her account - yes, you guessed it they had ‘lost’ one page of my new dependent S1 asking me to post it again!

Hope that helps with the timescales etc…

As a PS, they also asked when I stopped working so presume this the date they want to cancel my ‘frontalier’ S1. I haven’t done anything about that yet as the frontier S1 is still valid on my account. Seems like I should get onto that with a little more urgency now!

I’m just not completely sure of the approach to take here yet coz. I’ve moved more to part time work, so still doing some work. Don’t really want to ‘break’ anything…


Remarkably despite no sign of my existence on Ameli, and a letter from CPAM saying my rights had been suspended, my prescription was filled at the pharmacy without question. And without having pay a centime!

I wasn’t going to question it!


Awesome Jane!

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Another of the great mysteries of French bureaucracy. Well done!

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I am settling down to eat a lifetime collection of hats with my coffee.

Just over three weeks since I was eradicated from our joint Ameli account and I lost my attestation des droits for healthcare all has been sorted! And without me having to pay a centime or collect feuille des soins. Got letter yesterday confirming I had been reinstated in my own right.

Sometimes the systems work just fine!


So very pleased to hear that, @JaneJones

Very good news.