S1 dependent

This is not the french way. You are well aware of that I’m certain by now. Systems are brought into the current decade just before it ends and we go into a new one. Then when the new systems do finally launch the platforms are so unreliable they are unavailable at least 25% of each month, half through just crashing, and half through being taken offline to attempt to make them more stable. Eventually you actually get there and have a stable, functional, visually attractive system that does what it needs to… but is so out of date it’s time to start over with a new one :sweat_smile::laughing:


Frankly, I’d rather have a more personal situation… working with someone face to face.
Let them figure out the computer, after we have discussed and agreed on “whatever”. :wink:

I dream of a time when we might get back to more personnel in the offices… please, pretty-please…


Aaaah, Stella, so do I, but long gone are the ‘personal’ touches, we are victims to the computers and AI now. Very sad but how it is and I can dream of that too

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Except that our nearest CPAM is 40km away. So very happy to have been able to do everything at a distance! Also means I have the paper trail should I ever need it.

Yep… we’re all different in our needs and abilities.

Our small CPAM is about 20 mins away… very useful/helpful.
The Tax Office is 1 hour… so we combine other things within that area…

Our Tax Office still offers some face to face access… thank heavens.
Over the years, it’s been obvious that many people are extremely grateful for the opportunity… and the queues have not disappeared.

Not to forget that the “France Service” facility, which has been rolled out in most areas, I think, does allow a face-to-face possibility on things to do with CPAM, taxes etc. Our local commune is also trying to put on weekly buses to outlying hamlets/villages so that people without transport can get to the main France Service hub, which is all of 10-15 km away from the furthest reaches…


France Service is useful… but they can only go so far… which is why I join the queue at the Impots and chat with the lady who has been so helpful to so many of us over the years.
she’s due to retire… and I don’t think they will replace her… :sob:

You are absolutely right of course! We lost our marvellous chap at the impot place at St Lo :frowning: In theory, Avranches has taken over but it’s smaller, more chaotic, and the staff aren’t a patch on the St Lo ones… sigh…

At least the French actually eventually get the systems up and running. In the UK there are numerous government IT projects that never get to even go live - millions wasted on third party companies employing unsuitable ‘experts’ and numerous project managers (usually they come free in a cornflakes packet) :slight_smile:


Speaking as a now-retired software developer, I couldn’t agree more with your assessment, unfortunately :frowning:

Most of the large UK goverment systems (and even smaller ones come to think of it), are given to very large IT companies even when they have failed to deliver any preceding contract…

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Yes, an important part of my tongue in cheek comment was that, as you say, they do get there eventually. Generally I think this recent overhaul that’s been taking place over the last 3 years or so has been excellent, everything looks modern, is far more usable than previously, and with a few notable exceptions things actually work as they should. I am slightly concerned though that by the time they actually get to the end of the process and everything looks and works well it’ll be time to start over, which some countries and businesses do very well. The French government… less so. :laughing:

At least they do work! The French tax on-line process is streets ahead of the UK one :frowning:

However, I agree that other countries may well do better - unfortunately I only have 2 to compare :roll_eyes:


Glad it has worked out. I did do some research and found this on gov.uk, I thought to post it, but it was for spain, regoogling I see it’s the same for France -

"If you’re entitled to an S1 form as a dependant of a State Pensioner, your health cover will be cancelled once you begin claiming your UK State Pension.

You will be sent a new S1 form to your registered address from NHS Overseas Healthcare Services. You must register this form to ensure continuation of healthcare cover.

You are responsible for informing NHS Overseas Healthcare Services if you change your address or your circumstances change."

And someone posted they received by email a link to download the S1 certificate - never came back with more details…

But your case got processed, no posted form and no email - the new joined up indeed!

I did get the email, just after France had already been told. But seems to have worked. The only glitch is that I can’t access my espace santé yet - but I guess that will also be resolved eventually.

I never lost access to Mon Espace Santé even when i couldn’t access the AMELI account, I might give AMELI a call.

You call CPAM….Ameli is just the name of the website.

I did know that, I just log the phone number under AMELI.


I do that sort of thing… or I did … I found that my neighbours/whoever… would look askance if I said something along the lines of… I must ring Ameli… and they’d correct me swiftly… Surely you’ll be calling CPAM ???

So it’s been drummed into me that AMELI stands for A ssurance Maladie En Ligne and you can’t ring 'em ! (I’m sure they’re mentally labelling me as a “daft British Bat”)

So, I’ve finally changed my ways…
Caisse Primaire Assurance Maladie… is the Office which has phones… wonders of wonders… :wink: :wink: