Sarah Sanders: God wanted Trump to be president

Please excuse the category assignment but wtf…

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I don’t think so.
God votes Democrat!


I am so pleased that White House Press briefings are now almost non-existent. When Sean Spicer was usurped by Scaramucci l was so pleased - surely it cannot get any worse and then Madame Sanders came along and l started screaming at the TV again - not good for the blood pressure.

This latest statement during an interview with a religious channel makes me happy l live in France where State and Religion are separated by law. Thank God!


The lord moves in mysterious ways :angel:


Absolute fruit loop!


Surely you realise that GOP = God’s Own Party?

Mad. Barking mad.


Anyone heard from God recently? Not since the Sumerian’s…

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Saying it isn’t the problem…as such,

but the fact that folks believe it, should be cause for concern…


Well anyone who believes in God believes that he gave us free will.
If God planned for Trump to be president then he also planned for the war in Yemen causing children to be dying of malnutrition.
We cant have it both ways.
Personally i think astrology is as sound a concept as religion so I’ll go and read whats in store for all Leos today because then i wont have to plan. It’s all mapped out in the stars!


Except did he??

Theological bun fight anyone? :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Christopher puts it so well:

Well it was a bit waffly - he seems to be saying that wanting an all seeing, all powerful being looking over us but also claiming that being is happy to give us free will - or that our model of that being’s benevolence “requires” that we be given free will is a bit incongruous - I would actually agree with that position.

But I would add a couple of observations - now I assume we are talking about the god of the Christian/Islamic/Judaic faiths here. There really are so many religions to choose from (they can’t possibly all be right) and even within a single faith there are so many minor divisions and theologies that it is quite difficult to keep track - but I digress.

First - the faithful will also say that “god has a plan” for us all and we are merely following that plan. Apart from the fact that it seems to be a pretty f****d up plan at present this surely denies free will - if I am just following my pre-ordained path I am not actually expressing free will am I?

Even if you reject that argument then the gift of free will is only valid if it is given without strings attached. It’s not free will if I will be judged harshly or punished if I exercise that will in a particular direction - yet this is exactly what those faiths tell us god will do; it is clear that the “Christian” god is a vengeful one, the Islamic one even more so (less sure about the Jewish view of god - the old testament makes rather more of punishment here on Earth than heaven/hell; I don’t follow modern Jewish theology much).

TL;DR god is not big in the free will department.

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This is pretty harsh.

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So is the difference between the Old Testament and the New.
If you choose to ignore the New you are totally missing the point.

While “god’s followers” can do this (OK, Islam but notionally the same deity) I’m pretty clear religion is not for me.

The woman’s original crime? - drinking from a water cup before offering it to her Muslim co-workers.

Sheesh :frowning:

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Not big on God myself either

Have to say that if He exists, & was stupid enough to choose the Orange Gibbon, then frankly, he’s completely lost his shit.


To be fair you’re only missing the point if you believe that Jesus is the son of God.
I believe Jesus did exist and was seen as a prophet. Muslims and Jews believe he was a prophet.
I was brought up as a Catholic and attended church for many years . The day I decided to no longer believe in God it was like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders.
I have huge respect for religion when it is a force for good. My own sister is a nun and she lives her life as her order expects, she has made a vow of poverty and she is non judgemental in regard to beliefs that contradict her own.
I have never believed in heaven and hell and the afterlife holds no fears for me because if I’m wrong and a loving God does exist my soul will be safe in his hands, if as I think I am nothing after death then what does it matter?
I read The Missionary Position by Christopher Hitchens, about Mother Teresa. She gave most of the money donated to the Vatican, practically bought her sainthood!


Catholic church is a criminal organisation that has managed to dupe many decent people. The list of crimes is endless.
They are good at brainwashing, actually experts on it. Like friends om mine say: once a catholic, always a catholic. The stripes are not going away easily.


Aren’t all religions fundamentally about population control ? i.e. if you do this, you’ll get this and, if you don’t do this, horrible things will happen to you…oh and, our ‘club’ is better than yours (membership benefits etc…)