Should she be allowed back?

At 15… mmm… I felt so grown-up… I thought I knew it all … huh… in reality, I knew nothing… and only by good luck did I go down the right path… :zipper_mouth_face:


Why should the UK have to deal with the young and stupid who chose to leave of their own free will?

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“At the end of the day she is a terrorist no matter what age or gender. I expect a large portion of common sense from a 15 year old”

Wow - do you have kids? Because our 3 never showed any common sense whatsoever at the age of 15.

I am quite shocked at the type of vitriolic responses we have seen on this post. I think that we are going to have to perhaps review membership criteria - we seem to have been inundated with detritus from other now defunct forums and it’s not cool.

Thoughts anyone?


she is 19 now, and wants to return since the Caliphate is no more.

And …they are generally all people without photos.

I rest my case…!!!


Now that rings a bell - I remember the SF photo membership ‘request’ being discussed on (an)other forum(s) a while back and that prospective new joiners (from those other forums / French Entree?) would simply refuse to provide them…hummmmm :thinking::thinking::thinking:

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Just tried to look on FE, must have been banned, get a 404-2 message wherever I look :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Bit unfair Cat, this is a news story that was likely to offer up strong opinions regardless of a photo or not, for example a certain long standing outspoken member who hides behind sunglasses referred to this 19 year old as a ‘bint’ on another thread which is pretty insulting.

I think Bint might have arabic meaning.

Bint pl banāt just means girl or daughter in Arabic.
Is it very derogatory when used in English? I imagine it is an expression coined by the army.

I too find the vitriol shocking.
Some people on this forum have zero debating skills and have read no more than tabloid headlines before making a comment.
I know very little about this girl, her childhood, her family, her mental stability, her intelligence, common sense and level of education. Without these details I cannot judge her actions, I can only say that if she returns to the uk she will almost certainly be imprisoned for a while and her child taken away. That’s if she can get to a country from where she can fly to the uk.
Also if I was still in a country like Syria I wouldn’t be criticising anyone until I felt a safe distance away.


Yes, in English it’s usually a derogatory term

There is quite a lot of information available. Have you listened to the interview?
Even in Syria she is better off staying put in a refugee camp until she has her baby, one of the major contributing factors in perinatal mortality back when I was working with Afghan refugees was being forced to travel in adverse conditions (the single major one was of course being bombed/burnt with phosphorus/shot at by Soviet troops ).


Thanks. I have never heard it used in English.

It’s quite “old fashioned”, for want of a better expression

Just to be absolutely clear - my use of the word ‘bint’ was meant to be derogatory. My opinion - I could just have easily chosen to use ‘polo mint’ (cockney rhyming slang) - but I didn’t - if that’s ok… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Jeeeeeezzzz :handbag::handbag::handbag:


:smile: you had an opportunity to appear (even more) like an intellectual, I would have taken it :+1:

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Just as well you didn’t say polo mint I would have been confused :laughing:

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Yes. And she sounds remarkably composed for someone about to give birth in a camp. I think without seeing her face its hard to know how the last 4 years have affected her but to lose two young children must be traumatic.

Whilst acknowledging that she was a minor when she left the UK, she nevertheless made a conscious decision to go and equally clearly seems to show no remorse for her actions now. I believe that if you deliberately break the rules, you should expect to have to live with the consequences. Especially so in these troubled times. Compassion, i believe, is not relevant when dealing with those who would try to destroy society.