Slang query etc

Not very sure about that, you seem far ahead of me.

When I lived in S Africa, my university had a wine club run by a Psychology Ass Prof, who was also a reviewer for Platters, the excellent annual guide to SA wines. We would convene on Weds evenings at members’ houses and people would bring out treasured old bottles of pinotage to share with the group. Unfortunately, most of these were awful and it would be politely explained that although pinotage can mature over many decades, in a warm climate suitable cellarage is essential.

That said, in 1997 I went to a Stellenbosch wine tasting in the two hundred year old tasting rooms at Kanonkopf, which is one of SA’s oldest wine estates.

It was the high point of the annual SA art history conference and I tasted pinotages of amazing depth that were older than me.

Does anyone have a better translation of this phrase…

(reçoit) “une pluie de marrons” …

would it be: a hail of blows …

That would seem a reasonable translation - or “a torrent”.

Unless we’re talking chestnuts, of course.

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I understand what I’m reading, but finding it more and more difficult to translate for OH. :rofl: I fear I am losing my ability to speak English… :roll_eyes:


I was on the phone last night to a very good friend and realised on more than one ocasion that I couldn’t remember the English word for something…


You are not alone. Unfortunately I’m also losing my ability to speak/learn French. :roll_eyes:


@SuePJ and @AngelaR :rofl: :roll_eyes: ::
these are strange times… keep your spirits up in whatever way you can… wink


No it’s perfect :blush:

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It’s not just you - even with my limited French I find the same, frequently getting hung up on the literal dictionary translation and can’t get it into “natural” English.

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If the context is about physical violence it’s pretty much the same as une torgnole un pain or un taquet.

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It certainly is about physical violence… it was in the French News this morning… poor chap got beaten for making a joke or somesuch…

Poor chap.
I’ve just noticed I wrote the other slang words in singlur not in plural

Somefing for your Lords and Peers,

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Not Slang… so slight drifting… but it’s still to do with learning…

Check the link for larger print… and see if you can spot the 10 deliberate mistakes…

Oh dear - I found more than 10 - perhaps my French isn’t as good as I thought it was :rofl:

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I found more, then realized that I was “presuming”… and incorrectly at that … :rofl:

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Did you object to the capital letters :blush: ? La Fontaine wrote like that.

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I had a load of Renaud stuff from those days (all bootleg cassettes in those days), seem to have lost it all in my various house moves …

I’ve still got all mine (CD’s) in a box :package:. Happy memories. Who ever wins the election I think I put Hexagon on the music tread.

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