So sad, young English guy killed by hunter

Here is also the question of “unnofficial” hunters who go out on their own to get some meat for the fridge…no observation of hunting rules at all.

How can you tell it is genuine? In any case remorseful or not the victim is still dead/injured. Throw the book at the perpetrators, hard.

That isn’t manslaughter, or shouldn’t be - mens rea.

Sorry was not aware of legal details. However just as actus reus and mens rea are part of culpability I believe that remorse is an important part of sentence reduction. Let us not forget that high rates of reoffending are a major problem, and long term imprisonment does nothing to reduce that.

Perhaps if those who give permission for a hunt to take place were made responsible as individuals we might get somewhere. Be that a maire, the head of the hunt, or owner of the land on which the hunt takes place etc. Any one shooting without a permit signed by the responsible person should be fined heavily and repeat offenders imprisoned. Anyone with a permit properly signed who then causes damage or injury should be treated the same, together with the person issuing the permit. It might make those who have authority think a little bit more carefully about to whom and for what they are giving permission.

I have shooters, sometimes with dogs, which as far as I know are just locals out to shoot something and not part of an organised hunt. They are in the woods behind my house often less than 100 and always less than 500m from my house and others in the neighbourhood.