Sometimes I am embarrassed to be British

Hold on there a moment.

The number of people on SF who voted for Brexit but are now in favour of letting Ukranian refugees into the country will be small - because, in general, SF members are opposed to Brexit. Not everyone but definitely more than 48% - in fact I would say a sizeable majority.

So to say that many on SF feel embarrassed because of the selfish and xenophobic attitude of our government is quite reasonable.

And for those who did vote leave and now wish to support the UK taking more refugees saying “sorry,it,s far,far too late to start feeling embarrassed about your foolish and selfish actions now.” is not helpful - people are  allowed to change their mind, grow, learn, and come to realise that past decisions were not wise are they not?

Sadly although the polling shows an increasing majority in favour of the UK taking in refugees most seem to believe it should only be “a few thousands” or “a few tens of thousands” - while it is, indeed, only likely to be a few 10’s of thousands that have sufficient ties to the UK to wish to settle here the right answer to this question is “as many as it takes.”

And, finally, when this is Poland’s offer

Embarrassment at our government’s approach is entirely the right reaction.


I agree with you.
Let me be clear on this point. I am not saying that some groups of refugees are more meritorious than others. What I am saying is that there are clearly different groupings of refugees based on occasion, ethnicity, nationality, or causational factors, and that these different groups are viewed differently at different times by people in different places. I am not saying that this is correct, nor that it is desirable, but simply that it is what it is in my view.
What I am also saying is that the UK government has failed to recognise that the British people, for whatever reason, feel more sympathetic towards Ukrainian refugees than they do towards some other groups. Therefore, in my view, the UK government should listen to its own people, and allow the Border Force to use its initiative, ingenuity, and compassion when dealing with Ukrainians, especially in cases where established UK residents are willing to take said refugees into their own homes.

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Just to be clear, I have not, and do not, recant in relation to any of the opinions I have expressed in my postings on this discussion thread.
Additionally, neither do I consider that I have been “mouthing off” as you put it, but rather that I have been entering into the discussion in a polite and reasoned manner, which is I believe the whole point of this section of the website.
I do not expect everyone to agree with my views, but surely one important objective of these discussions is to be able to understand the opinion of others, and by so doing to broaden our own outlook on life.


The UK government are not interested in what ‘the people think’ nor in doing ‘the right thing’, that is the biggest problem. They firmly believe the voting public gave them an eighty seat majority to do what the **** they like which would be okay if they were half way competent but they’re not. In mitigation the asylum/immigration processing system has been woeful for many years but it is fixable with a bit of thought and of course finance, unfortunately though we’re back to competency again which can’t be solved overnight.

What I find baffling is that many cabinet members have immigrant parents yet they seem to have no compassion for others wanting the same opportunities or even people fleeing war torn countries.


Seems it’s not Pritti Shitti after all
 looks to be the hand of Number 10. Now remind me again, who runs the number 10 machine

Also, Im sure I read yesterday (but now can’t find the link - I was in hospital) that the reception area was first Calais, then Lille and now has been moved to Arras :roll_eyes:
Perhaps I was dreaming it in a post anaesthetic haze in the recovery room :thinking:
Either way, its pretti shocking to be honest

Proud to be British? nah, thoroughly ashamed.


Good morning @graham
Hope you are feeling better and wishing you a speedy recovery.


@JohnBoy long way to go yet John
 back into surgery in 3 weeks :fearful:

Information re the Arras centre is towards the end of the following article:

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It is because they see themselves as virtuous and deserving (whereas other pfwtcs are chancers and scroungers), so they feel no kinship.
Same principle as Mrs Thatcher not promoting women in her governments, she was exceptional and other women weren’t, in her eyes.

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Thanks Nigel. Perhaps I was conscious after all :slightly_smiling_face:
Absolutely shameful!
There was an article I was passed by Vanessa which indicated that Spain has set up a scheme to provide automatic citizenship to Ukrainian nationals who have managed to find their way to Spain
 and those already there
 Europe leading the way, not the lying joker Johnson and his band of ignoramuses.
Je Suis Ukraine :ukraine: et Je Suis European :eu: Vive la France :fr:


I am actually wondering if Pritti is racially discriminating. Also plenty of discriminated-against people that do make progress won’t help, or even discriminate against, those with the same discriminated-against characteristic.

Automatic citizenship? That’s going too far. Automatic residence permission for a period, yes.

Who is Spain trying to outdo, in the virtue-signalling stakes?

Why too far?

Sorry @KarenLot you are quite right - residency
My mind is elsewhere of late, apologies and thank you for the correction although I agree with @cat why is it too far
 these people may well yet end up Stateless and perhaps unable to return to their war torn home country - ever. Why shouldn’t a friendly Country offer succour in this way? Better than pissing all over them or worse which is the UK response to this crisis of humanity :roll_eyes:

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A couple of reasons spring to mind.

(1) The immediate need is for sanctuary. A visa can be issued as it would be for other refugees. Countries are accelerating and shortening these procedures, possibly even waiving them, in light of the urgency and the numbers of people in need. Issuing visas for a decent stay period and under generous conditions (eg not forbidding work) and other support (accommodation, access to medical care) while further steps are worked out for what happens at later stages is a decent approach.

(2) There are many other categories of people including other refugees, who would like to have a visa. I believe urgent reactions are good right now but all people wanting to stay should at some point have the same chance to receive a decision on this and it should be done in a fair way.

(3) Automatic citizenship now is going too far. It’s either virtue-signalling or anti-Putin-stating and isn’t fair to other groups. Security, support and sanctuary then the next steps thought about, taking all groups into account. To me this means a decent visa and support given immediately while next steps, options and - yes - criteria, are thought about considering all groups who might want to stay.


But she was exceptional. And looking at the current crop of women in Tory high office one could be forgiven for thinking women are not exceptional at all.

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Why? What’s it to you what Spain decides to do?

What is it to any of us, what anyone else decides to do?

Interesting to see how this pans out across France

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