Sometimes I am embarrassed to be British

Yup. I find it quite upsetting that this huge outpouring for ukraine (who of course need it) is way, way greater than any outpouring for refugees with different hued skin (who also need it).

Far easier just to ignore the brown skinned refugees, like has happened with Afghans who are being denied entry.


When I started the thread I should have realised it would end up being defined by BREXIT when it was directed at a certain section of government. But my subsequent ’Hardly…’ comment’s purpose was to correct an often used ‘majority’ inaccuracy that is more often used by a ‘Remain’ proponent, a significant number of which I hope are also embarrassed by current attitudes to refugees of a European war.

There is a difference between someone who is a refugee because they supported / worked for an occupying power, and someone whose family was asleep in bed when an aggressor started landing high explosive all around them when they themselves have done nothing to warrant such action.

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Aren’t we all choosing “the least worst” out of the candidates in any election, anyway? :slight_smile:

We are seeing and hearing this on our tv screens and whether Boris likes it or not, we are part of Europe and these are our neighbours wanting to live in a democratic and liberal country.

Not all the Afghans refugees worked for western powers! There are many who are desperate to flee what is essentially an invading army, but are just not being welcomed anywhere. I don’t think they themselves did anything to warrant such action either.


Well, that’s what you and I might do… it seemed bizarre to me that my pals thought that any government elected would bother themselves at the number of abstentions/spoiled votes…
but that is certainly what they reckoned… somehow the govt would say “oh dear” we must have another election…
(and these conversations took place before we got to the eau de vie :wink: )

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That’s one of the most ridiculous comments you have made to date. Next up, you will be talking about the ‘deserving poor’ and suggesting workhouses as a solution.


Yup. I’ve been shocked at the number of people who when I have mentioned that I have registered to host refugees, have then commented “ooh but you might get Syrians or Afghans”. Mind boggling.


Nobody much (outside UKIP) paid attention to the numbers of immigrants though, until Vote Leave told them it was a problem in 2016.

No one thought membership of the EU was much of a problem either until, again, they were told that it robbed us of our sovereignty - funnily enough by the self same Vote Leave.

And VL deliberately lied and conflated EU migrant workers, non-EU immigrants and asylum seekers, to deliberately skew public opinion.


There are all sorts of different people who become refugees for varying reasons. Some seek refuge from war, others from famine, natural disasters, religious or ethnic persecution, poverty, and even some from due process of law. The people from whom those persons may seek refuge are also differing, and thus the refugee may well receive a different response to their request for shelter from one place to another.
There is no doubt in my mind that at the present time there are far more people in the UK who feel sympathetic towards the Ukrainian refugees than towards refugees of other categories. We may not like to recognise that, and I’m not saying that it is justifiable or correct, but am simply saying that such is the truth of the matter, unpalatable as that may be.
The problem causing the national uproar is that the UK government are not acting in accordance with the will of the people, and that is the core of the issue which needs to be changed.

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By replacing the government?

If needs be, yes.

Don’t rewrite history! Again…

You said “there is a difference” - and NOT there is a ‘difference in perception’ or something similar.

Anyway, I am going shopping - no time to waste with posters who mouth off and then recant when challenged.

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@Robert_Hodge, I think you’ve got this a bit wrong Robert. The Afghans struggling to get out of the country before the Allies pulled out are to me in exactly the same position as the millions of Ukrainians trying to flee the Russian invasion, both groups could be killed or injured if they stayed so deserve refuge in the UK or any country that will take them. Ultimately, the UK government has so far failed both sets of people for for the same reasons, they don’t have the correct systems in place nor the willingness to do the right thing.


I said “there is a difference” because that is what I meant.

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I agree with you entirely on that point.

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As I said.

What about Syrian women and children first? Same enemy, Russia dropped bombs and used chemical weapons in Syria.

I have heard it all now,people who voted for Brexit purely to stop immigration and fully back a Government that has made it virtually impossible to enter the UK are now saying"oh, we didn,t mean that we wanted to stop people like the Ukranians,",sorry,it,s far,far too late to start feeling embarrassed about your foolish and selfish actions now.All we ask is that in future you think about your decisions first before being duped in to something that you have limited knowledge about.