Song for Dominic Cummings

Something to ponder…??? :thinking:

1MP is feeling swamped with letters.

Popcorn out for the detailed question and answer session.

Just listening to the lying twat now.

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He’s trying to make people feel sorry for him :violin:the world’s smallest violin.

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He said there was no relative near who could look after the child but he has a close relative living - IIRC about 3 streets away.
And wonders of wonders, he went out of his father’s vast farm estate to check whether je was safe to drive only to find himself at the local Castle attraction - oh do me a favour!
My guess is Doris is tired of him hence throwing him to the wolves…

He said he thought he’s eyesight was affected so he went for a drive to see if he was safe to drive…why. Think he’s competing with Doris for bullshitter of the century.


That sounds perfectly sensible - and if he finds out that his eyesight is not OK - aaaaaaaaaaarrrrghhhh!

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With a 4 year old child in the car!!! Muppet!


But he is in perfectly sound in mind to advise the PM on how to run the country?


I cannot think of any other country where trial by media is carried on live television. The gathered hacks are salivating with the smell of Cummings blood. He will not roll over and die much to the collective disappointment of many watching - Johnson obviously needs Doms input and will continue to support him.

No doubt he and his family are now in serious danger from the haters and he will need round the clock police protection and, no matter your view, the chid and his wife’s lives will never be the same.

The Inquisition l am watching is a blatant attempt by the Fourth Estate to oust Cummings - I personally find it abhorrent and shameful - He has fully explained himself and there you have it.

But Dan, it was his (Johnson’s) decision to stage this press statement with interviews. He has brought this on himself. No sympathy at all.


I agree that it is unpleasant that it has come to this, but he should have already stood down for creating this farce.


He is not what I expected. No bombast, no rhetoric, no politics. I think he was being truthful in recollecting what he did and why he did it.

IMO he gave a hesitant, diffident and subdued account to the best of his recollection of events at a time when his life was variously and incredibly hectic, and did not act out of selfishness or a sense of entitlement.

He was predicted as coming out combatively, but he was not aggressive or defensive. We are poles apart politically, but I am inclined to believe he is speaking truthfully, and not hiding anything of serious import.

I think that, all things being equal, he will keep his job and live to fight another day for what he believes in. He seems to be an extraordinary chap, and I can see why he inspires confidence in others.


Had Joe Bloggs reached the same decision… (he was doing what he thought best)

made the same journey etc etc… would Joe Bloggs be hauled over the coals or let off … …


Surprised no journalist asked him if he phoned the NHS special number before travelling

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Other than being the tallest MP and identifying as bi sexual Kawczynski has nothing to commend him. Perhaps he ought to make use of his Polish passport and clear off to Krakow. But I doubt he would be any more popular.

He adopts his demeanour to suit Peter don’t be fooled . He treated Parliament with contempt the last time. Sadly his contempt was purged with the installation of a new parliament.


Peter, I thought the story about needing to check his eyesight was at best irresponsible if it were true. I found it to be incredible and to be honest insulting.
So much damage is being done by this man hanging on by his fingertips. If BJ doesn’t let him go he is even more a fool than usually percieved. On the other hand, being such a selfish individual, he knows with the next GE so far away he can get away with it. If several thousands more die because the lines are blurred then so be it.

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If he was worried about his eye sight he should further be arrested