Song for Dominic Cummings

He’s making a tidy sum with his well paid ‘consultancies’.

When was identifying as a bi-sexual cause for disqualification - How disappointing that you mentioned his orientation. Haven’t we got past that.

As always, Mr Goble, you put it far more elegantly than l ever could - Agree with everything you say :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Can you edit your comment please. Breaches T&C

Edited as requested

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My wife made exactly the same point! As usual her view was diametrically opposite to mine, and like yours and @David_GAY’s. She’s right 9 times out of 10. But I’ve got a better sense of direction… :expressionless::scream::skull_and_crossbones:

I’m Taurus and she’s Scorpio, which is said to be the perfect love match, on the basis that opposites attract, but there’s a lot of electricity. :wink:

Waiting to see Blo “We shall not forget them” Jo :scream:

Some interesting reviews - Update - removed by Tripadvisor. Pity


Seen on Twitter, brilliant.


Frankly, having watched it for a second time (glutton for punishment)… I am left with the feeling that he acted for his own personal reasons… and yes, he did go against all the guidelines/rules (call them what you will).

Sadly, he has not had the guts/honesty to admit this.


Just sent another email to our dear MP Daniel Kawczynski


His wife drives… so why did he have to…??? so much confusion…

Number 8 about the son’s urge to piss had me in stitches, funniest thing I’ve read for years… :joy:

Exactly, he is hiding behind part of the Regulations that no one else knew about. They took the words of the daily briefings as to how they should behave.
I heard Michael Gove on the Today Programme trying to defend him and my immediate thoughts were, when you are in a hole, stop digging.
This government is only in power because of the northern votes and northern folk do not take kindly to seeing toffs, even if it is a northern toff, getting preferential treatment, especially when they have been making huge sacrifices themselves.


Simple facts Dan and certainly not cited as reasons for disqualification which I never mentioned, after all Bob Boothby was bi-sexual and carried on an affair with Mac Millan’s wife throughout her life. My reference to his potential acceptance in Poland which is rapidly becoming a rabidly right wing church influenced populist is a fair thesis.


It seems this government do have a large number of JCB’s in their ranks.

The first of many perhaps… Someone at last with conscience…

This of course begs the question… how many people have been fined and given a criminal record for doing what scummings has done? Are they now entitled to re-reimbursement of any fine levied and doesn’t it just go to show how easy it is for a Govt with a massive majority to introduce bad law/regulation without there being proper scrutiny?

What ‘soundtrack’? If you mean the piano accompaniment, it sounds eminently suitable for one of Ms Keene’s comic songs and, like the vocals, perfectly audible. It may be the Goble lug-'oles that need ‘cleaning up’ , or the Goble device playing it is outputting garbage.

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