Taxe Fonciere - any clemency this year?

I feel that this will be unlikely. Current government policy is to tax second homes generally more at all levels (including when selling), and the government will be in need of hard cash to repay all of the support measures put in place during Covid19 lockdown.

As an example, VAT collection and corresponding payment, due every month, or quarter, has not been suspended for businesses. Taxation on petrol products (TIPP), despite the drop in the current price of oil, has kept the prices at the pump and domestic fuel prices relatively high. Can’t see that changing anytime soon.

You have on this occasion presumed correctly.

Immaculate virtue signalling.

It’s not about me but more to do with loss of essential income throughout the holiday rental industry.

He doesn’t need to make money from holiday rentals to sustain a modest property in Northern France.

“What started off as a clever way to win arguments has become a lazy put down. It’s too often used to cast aspersions on opponents as an alternative to rebutting their arguments. In fact, it’s becoming indistinguishable from the thing it was designed to call out: smug posturing from a position of self-appointed authority.

I’m not saying we should eradicate “virtue-signalling”. But maybe it’s time to get vaccinated.“

Anything I would wish to say myself would not be within the rules of this forum. I will probably loose 10,000€, so I do have some right to my comments.


Even as I write this… I am listening to a Sénat discussion on how difficult finances will be this year (and probably beyond)… for everyone, every trade, and every commune… etc etc.

Every time there is a refund/reduction/Aide etc etc… the money has to be found elsewhere…

thus, I do not think it likely that 2nd home owners (of whatever nationality) will be getting a reduction/refund/whatever…

We all share the pain… and long for things to improve …


Thank you Stella. I do agree with you.

Wow, you are angry. I must apologise.

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Please do apologise nicely…then we can resume friendly chat. :wink: You obviously did not appreciate the seriousness of the situation here in France…

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Oh, I certainly appreciate the seriousness. There is little ‘friendly’ chat on here. Just astonishing anger.

If you truly appreciate the seriousness, it is a great pity you did not word your question with some sensitivity.

and if you do intend to apologise to @JaneJones … you still have time to retrieve the situation… :thinking: :relaxed: :relaxed:

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Thank you Alex.

Many of us on SFN work within the tourism industry and we’re going to see our incomes slashed, that’s incomes to live not to fund a second home, did you really expect an outpouring of sympathy?

Any yet you ask the question.

Just listening to the UK news that there are no plans to provide any reduction to students who have paid £9,000 plus for a university course that they are not getting in full right now.

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Arguably they will be getting a full course, just remotely.

The programme was pointing out that for many students access to the university’s resources was equally valuable.

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The OP’s question merits a John McEnroe response.


I understand that Foncieres are calculated on the owners income! So if you earn money from renting out your ‘second home’ they will charge accordingly. So if by
‘Clemency’ means pay less you have some hope. Apply and see!