Taxe Fonciere - any clemency this year?

That’s taxe d’hab isn’t it? Where there are exemptions for people earning less than around 26,000€.

Taxe d’Hab is seperate to Fonciers is it not?

I think your use of the word clemency implies a reduction in the tax.

Fay… it’s not to do with the Owner’s income… it’s down to the perceivable rental value of the property…


Our Taxe Fonciere last year was over 5200€, our earnings did not bother the French Income Tax threshold, therefore 0€.

See further message re Fonciers and Taxe d’Hab.

If you have a very low income, and get certain benefits, you can get an exoneration from taxe foncière on your principal residence. The OP was talking about a second home.

(Did’t quite understand Le-Dolly’s answer…)

Plusieurs conditions sont nécessaires pour pouvoir prétendre à une exonération de taxe foncière. La loi prévoit que les personnes titulaires de l’Aspa ou de l’Asi bénéficient d’une exonération de la taxe foncière relative à leur résidence principale si elles l’occupent soit seules (ou avec leur conjoint), soit avec des personnes comptées à leur charge pour le calcul de l’impôt sur le revenu, soit avec des personnes dont le revenu fiscal de référence ne dépasse pas un certain plafond (voir tableau ci-dessous), soit avec des personnes qui sont titulaires de la même allocation qu’elles.

What about Taxe de’Hab?

Fay, taxe d’habitation is dependant on income (and is slowly being fazed out), taxe foncière is not normally and not for second home owners for the obvious reason - they are a luxury! :wink:

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But again not for second home owners. The exoneration for taxe d’hab is only on your principal residence, for those with incomes below a threshold. Currently approx €44k for a couple.

this is what I replied to…

if you are talking about possible rebates or exoneration… that is something completely different…

Thanks Andrew-Hearne, I get charged for both those taxes but my home is not a second one it is my only one??? I am widowed.

If you live alone with an income less than 26,000€ then your taxe h’hab should have automatically been reducing. If it hasn’t then ask. Exonerations for taxe foncière are for those on certain benefits.

The original poster was asking about his second home so didn’t realise you were asking for yourself.

“What about TdH” I do not know what you mean, this thread was about clemency for Taxe Fonciere.

JJ There was a statement that Taxe F was based on earnings, we ‘earn’ so little that we pay no tax, or TdH for that matter.

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Hi Faye… a friend of mine (widowed) was allowed a rebate of 100€ off of her Taxe Foncière (Owner’s tax) due to her low income. Have you applied for that ???

Likewise… her Taxe d’Habitation was reduced and I believe she is totally exempt nowadays… from Taxe d’hab…
but Taxe Foncière demands its pound of flesh every time…

Thanks…so your 0€ was your tax payment, but you still pay taxe foncière I guess as we all have to pay for the bins to be emptied.


Seems to me there is a complete mix up on this thread.

Taxe fonciere… owner’s tax
Taxe d’hab… the dwelling tax… payable if a property is livable… gradually being phased out for Main Residence.

Do you know what defines livable?

Our rebuild project has no heating, 1 cold tap and 1 electricity socket, a leaking roof and very few walls. By the time works are complete it will have been this way for 18 months.

sounds idyllic to me… :slight_smile:
If all the amenities are connected (water/power)… you are good to go…

If it is empty of all furniture etc… and cut off from suppliers … you could ask for it to be exempted… but that runs from January 1st and you mustn’t move stuff back in during the year… (some people try that dodge… )

On the other hand… if you have plans in for improving the property… I know of instances where TH has been zeroed for a couple of years after the works were completed… (or is that main residence… I forget…)

As always…there are ways and means… but if you do stay in the place… it is livable…