TEMPO tariff or not TEMPO tariff

There was a long thread about this last year with interesting contributions. I can’t find it now but worth a search IMO.

We tend to be abroad from mid December to mid February so I think I’ll plump for Tempo too. Even if I screw up on a couple of red days overall it’ll probably save money.

Isn’t Tempo just an option on top of the usual Tarrif Bleue?

That’s certainly how my contract reads. Tarrif Bleue with Tempo and Heures Cruzes as options.

We started Tempo in November, after the price
Shock of the first red day (stayed with our usual living pattern) we changed our habits. Dishwasher, Washer & Dryer and any high comsuption appliances running at night. Managed to reduce our consumption also by 10%. Together the changes and cheaper tarriff will compensate for the price rise in electricity.

Our bills have gone from 118e / month to 70-90e

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I changed a couple of months ago, bills down from around 70 a month to about 40, so no complaints. Just have to make sure I’m braced for those red days.

Here is the link to the earlier lengthy thread on Tempo fyi.

We changed to Tempo in November and are pleased we did so. You do have to be quite disciplined and organised - as others have said - to plan ahead on when to run energy greedy appliances…

Our annual bill will probably rise by 3% but that’s due to getting an EV, not Tempo.

You can set up EDF et Moi to give advance notifications of White and Red days.

If I recall correctly… there are days in mid-winter when some folk don’t use electricity because it would be too expensive…

does this sum up Tempo Tariff… ???

Not really.

In a nutshell there are only 22 x 16 hour periods when the price is higher (but, a LOT higher) than standard “base tarif”.

There are 300 days when the prices are very low.

All can be seen here…

Seems to be offered for anyone with the minimum voltage needed by Linky now ie from 6k not 9k

The minimum “puissance souscrite” has gone down to 6kVA.

However, the voltage (which is not a measure of power) remains the same for all tarifs. Yes, I’m a pedant.


Here you go:

300 days much cheaper than base.

43 days somewhat cheaper than base.

22 days of “******* how much?”

We don’t have a dishwasher or tumble dryer… and rarely use the electric oven… so we ditched the High/Low meter donkeys years ago, having done the maths…

I was curious to try and find out, looking back, what impact moving to Tempo has really had on our electricity costs.It was prompted by a challenge from my sceptical Mum (!) in the UK, who asked how I’d really know if Tempo was worth the changes to patterns of usage behaviour required

We switched to Tempo from Tarif Bleu 1/3 of the way through the past 12 months. Using the helpful actual usage and pricing data on the EDF app, it was quite straightforward to calculate what we would have paid under the previous Tarif Bleu HC/HP model, and compare it with what we are actually paying under Tempo.

Assuming I haven’t mucked up the calculations, I believe I am paying 24% less, (893 TTC), this past 12 months by using Tempo, than I would have paid (1182 TTC) had I remained using Tarif Bleu. I wonder if others have had similar recent actual cost comparison experiences of Tarif Bleu vs Tempo?

We’re a family of four, and on the 21st of this month, we’re currently at 26 euros of electricity usage for the month. We’re making big savings, which will inevitably cover those more expensive red days.

Just a thought - it’s probably not very “correct”, but if you really wanted to get the best deal, surely you could install Tempo in the spring and go back to a normal contract in late autumn…??

No, you can only sign up for minimum of a year. The savings are so good, even in winter, wouldn’t be worth the hassle!

I just had around €250 refunded!

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Refunded? Why refunded? You mean just because you’ve consumed less than the accumulation of your monthly payments ?
At a rough guess, if you use electricity at a normal rate through out the year, would you estimate to be at an advantage with Tempo or only if either you are absent on red days or you seriously restrict consumption on red days?

Just received the mail notification from EDF that the period during which they can apply the 22 red days starts on 1/11 until next 31/3………………as I’m sure others have.

Yep, got that. Historically the red days dont start until mid December…apparently