The Benefits of Vaccination (with thread drift...)

What I find rather unsettling is that there is a phalanx of ageing rockers in their 70’s and 80’s who are still going. And by all accounts longevity is now going down for the generations currently in their supposed wild youth .

Which does sort of show that failing to eat, dancing around madly, and taking lots of drugs are no worse for you than eating too much sugar, being sedentary, and being drugged by a small screen…

Of course a sweeping generalisation as, sadly, the likes of David Bowie show. But who would have thought so many of them would still be here?

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He’s 76 and has had both shots…

He suffers from peripheral neuropathy which has been made much worse in his hands since receiving both AZs and doesn’t want the potential autumn booster…

Not everyone suffers just a few days discomfort and many have lasting side effects that are not yet resolved and they worry about when it will get better for them…

He mentioned the feeling of being ostracised if you try to talk about serious side effects and certainly I know of many groups just shut down because they are talking to each other and trying to help each other…

I just think we should be wary of saying these people are just whinging…

Yep no doubt there’s lots of wonderful youngsters trying to make a difference and really clued up…I love young people…

The last couple of days I watched a “fact check” vid on the tube which to me was just a jumped up young twerp full of himself…the comments were a joy to behold and turns out he’s paid by google and Facebook…

Then I read an opinion piece on RT blathering on about conspiracy nut jobs and it was just so assinine that I wouldn’t dare blame a 15 year old for writing such tripe…

Once again the comments were a joy…

Goodness only knows what they hope to achieve :grinning:

Confirmation from the UK of my post earlier noting that vaccines, especially Astra Zeneca, are less effective against the delta variant:

A single dose of any vaccine is only 33% effective against the Delta variant, according to Public Health England.

This means the risk of becoming ill is 33% lower among people who have had one dose of the vaccine compared with those who have not been vaccinated. So for every 100 unvaccinated people who ended up with symptomatic Covid, for instance, only 67 would have been expected to have fallen ill had they had all had one dose.

Two doses gives greater protection: AstraZeneca’s effectiveness is 60% after two doses, while Pfizer’s is 88% against the Delta variant.

Combining these effectiveness figures with our knowledge of who has received what vaccines, our analysis suggests an estimated 68 of every 100 people have no more protection against getting coronavirus symptoms, than they had before the vaccination programme started.

Certainly a lot more fun too :blush:

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Just to confirm. His collapse had nothing whatsoever to do with his vaccination.
He is being fitted with a ICD - implantable cardioverter defibrillator which "manages irregular heart rhythms. My god-daughter (mentioned earlier) who also collapsed and was in a coma for months has the same ICD fitted.

Christian Eriksen to have heart-starting device fitted after collapse - BBC Sport

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Indeed it seems that he had not, in fact, been vaccinated. Not that I’d have expected Davew to have checked this before posting.

oh, him… I’m amazed that he hasn’t apparently made any serious attempt to log in under a new assumed name…

Are you sure he hasn’t? :thinking:

I think that there are a number of people here who would spot his style very quickly…

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Notable that the CDC _emergency_meeting to discuss reports of myocarditis in young people following ‘covid vaccines’ has been postponed until next week…

See, now the trouble is that I think most of us would happily listen to all sides of every debate, but so often it seems to be that the people doing the talking on the anti- vax, anti mask, side are hateful bigots. Why would they put these people up as voices of a cause when the most basic of google search shows them to be scumbags? They may be saying the complete truth, but whether it’s this pollock, or, incredibly, the yanks putting up Marjorie Taylor Greene a couple of days ago, a woman so deranged and vile the only place she should have been voted was to the nearest jail, the antivax cause really do themselves a disservice when they put these people up. Get someone who normal people would want to actually stand alongside, not destroy all photos of being stood alongside in case the police find them and start to ask you questions about your relationship to them. The anti vax movement should perhaps ruminate on the fact that if you can’t find one single person who isn’t a POS to bat for your cause maybe that says something about the cause…

It’s very easy to shoot the messenger…what about the doctors who are speaking at that press conference…???

Are they all a POS…???

Is RFK jr a POS…???

Am I a POS for the stance I’m taking…???

And all “hateful bigots” too…???

Is Roger Waters a POS for telling zuckerberg to F off when offered a huge amount money to use brick in the wall for Instagram promotion…???

Many of these doctors and specialists speaking out are not anti vaccine…how do you suggest they get their voices heard above the blanket censorship…???

The inventor of MRNA technology Dr Robert Malone…The pathologist in Canada Dr Roger Hodkinson…Dr Peter McCullough…are they all a POS…??? And “hateful bigots“…???

Uk tv…the unvaccinated are human petridishes that should be segregated…really…??? So it’s ok for U.K. tv presenters to pile on someone who is trying to speak out and treat them like a POS…???

It’s got totally ridiculous…

Yes I 100% agree…leave the kids alone…

what does POS mean ? (apart from Point of Sale)


It feels like you’ve not actually understood what I said at all @Helen6. Almost all of what you’ve said was entirely irrelevant to my point, but the one thing you’re spot on about was that you mentioned the doctors at that press conference. 95% of the world won’t have heard what those doctors said because of the fact that someone despicable was there. I would not watch anything MTG said because she’s a liar and a racist and a homophobe. So I won’t get to see the perhaps very important points the doctors made because they aligned themselves to someone hateful. That was my entire point which I perhaps made badly as you didn’t seem to understand. Yes, RFK is a POS. Like people like Nigel Farage he seems to be a hero to a small minority and a POS to the rest. David Icke? Hero to a few, ridiculed as the lunatic he is to the rest.

My point was never about whether there’s anything factual there or not, but that by putting up these terrible people they immediately lose all credibility in the eyes of the masses so will never actually ‘win’, they’ll never be able to get their message across and be taken seriously by the world at large. To invoke Godwin’s Law, if Hitler tells you what an amazing car the VW beetle was, he’d be spot on, I adore them and always have, but the message is coming from Hitler so it would likely be the worst endorsement anyone has ever made, because people just don’t want to hear from despicable people. Just like with Clapton who you posted before. There’s too much water under the bridge now, him saying things, even if they’re 100% spot on, will do more harm than good in most people’s eyes.


POS Piece of sh*t.


That was definitely my intended use @Stella, point of sale. :flushed::lying_face: :see_no_evil:

Shhhh… @Stella is like the Queen of SF, you can’t say things like that in front of her, she’ll put you in the tower… :joy:


I did totally understand what you were getting at but I don’t tend to judge people (I hope…!) and would much rather listen…why do you think 95% of the world wouldn’t have listened to the doctors in that press conference…???

I don’t know who MTG is…:thinking:

(I love Robert F Kennedy Jr (Children’s Health Defence) and Del Bigtree (The Highwire and ICAN…so we will have to agree to disagree where they’re concerned :grinning:)

Incidentally Byram Bridle was one of the doctors who was talking about the concentrations of spike protein in the ovaries and heart inflammation (myocarditis) not insignificant concerns when broaching the subject of vaccinating children and pregnant women…??? :thinking:

A newborn baby girl is born with every ovum in her ovaries for her lifetime…