The Benefits of Vaccination (with thread drift...)

Who knows?
There are still people who believe that Trump had the election ‘stolen’ from him.
I can only imagine that they are people who cannot accept reality and choose to live in a world of their own making, which doesn’t help all those who have to put up with the consequences of their stupidity.
I’m sorry to hear that your family is having such a hard time and hope that your BIL gets well soon.

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So sorry to hear how tough things are for your family Tory and thank you for sharing this. People need to hear experiences like this to counteract the folly that’s still being spread.


Tory, I’m sorry to hear that your family is going through such a hard time after all you all have been through lately, hopefully everything will turn out ok.


So sorry to hear this Tory and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family…you and yours have been going through a really tough time and I wish only positive outcomes for them…x

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Our experience is different in that having had no one we know test positive nor died over the last 18 months we now have a young family member experiencing severe headaches and menstrual haemorrhaging since 1 dose of Pfizer…and another elderly family member passed away within a week of a shot…

We have another youngish family member with acute worsening of longstanding rheumatoid arthritis and another elderly member with unbearable pain fogginess and tremors…

I have attempted throughout this thread to protect our children for whom the risk is vanishingly small and pregnant women and also to explore the reasons why “anti-Vaxx” gets associated with the far right and domestic terrorism…

I now feel (as I have felt for a long while) that this subject should be a non partisan issue…it should have nothing to do with left or right or middle and it should be about truth honesty and integrity…

The moment we label a scientist or a physician or a virologist or a molecular biologist etc from any country attempting to provoke meaningful discussion and open debate…a “quack” is the moment we invite tyranny…

I have spent some time trying to understand French resistance broadcasts…it seems to me to be the same…protecting the children…vaccine damage caused and how to help…hostility towards passé sanitaire from both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated…the issue around informed consent…

The numbers from Israel continue to suggest that the majority being hospitalised are vaccinated and that there is a 6.72% higher chance of the vaccinated being hospitalised than the unvaccinated…

Just to preface my thoughts, sorry Helen to hear that your family seems to have been particularly badly hit.

There’s an expression, lies, damn lies and statistics. Where is our recently departed friend to bring clarity to such spurious data when we need him? :cry:
I don’t have the numbers to hand, but will observe that when the great majority of the population has been vaccinated (as I believe is the case in Israel) then inevitably there will come a moment when among the hospitalised the number vaccinated will outnumber the non-vaccinated. BUT the number that then becomes relevant is the total number hospitalised and by all accounts in a vaccinated population that number is much, much lower and the severity of the condition of those hospitalised is also less.


It is only natural that as the number of vaccinated increase the number of un-vaccinated decreases therefore the statistics are reflecting this absolute fact.

How long the vaccinated are in hospital for compared to the un-vaccinated is of far more relevance.

Dont forget the vaccine is not a panacea to create good health where poor health existed before, metabolic syndrome is far more prevalent and there lies the issue.

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Israel…just over 60% have received 1 dose and 56% two doses…

I’m getting a little confused… which country are you talking about, with these figures ??

Ive edited my post to say Israel…

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The Israeli People’s Commitee…

Just as an example, the first author on the reports list, Dr Pinki Feinstein has links to Del Bigtree and David Icke.
And for that reason I’m out…


According to the French tv news this lunchtime 96% of the 18000 cases in France a couple of days ago we’re NOT vaccinated.

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This is a classic misinterpretation of statistics. It even has a name… the Base Rate Fallacy, as the Wapo article goes on to explain.

Here’s another explanation…

Statistics is a subject where charlatans try to pull the wool over the unthinking. It is easy to believe misleading conclusions if you don’t understand what the data is, where it comes from, and how it has been presented.


I too am sorry to hear of your family problems.

The problem is this is in short supply amongst your sources.


Quite honestly I don’t know why you continue to post your ridiculous assertions on here.
You must have noticed that they are falling on totally deaf ears.
Perhaps it is because you want to spread these lies on Facebook, but are doing it via SF?


Jane I think that is harsh. Helen is someone who is immersed in the complementary therapy world. I too over many years have looked to that world for healing - both for my dogs and for myself and my husband. With considerable success. I have friends who consider some of the therapies I reach for as a matter of routine, such as homeopathy, to be “flaky”. I know they work for me. I also know that some of the names being banded about as associated with QAnon etc are anything but. Dr Mercola is a highly reputable source of sound complementary remedies. Ty Bollinger has produced two excellent (or maybe three) films on The Truth about Cancer (having lost many family members to this disease). It was he, among others, who led me to look at the key links between cancer and diet and the importance of epigenetics in prevention of many inflammatory diseases. These are people of great integrity. I also think (as with all gurus) they are only human, they are flawed and sometimes can (IMO) get it horribly wrong.
I stopped following Dr Mercola when he went overboard on the ketogenic diet. But that does not mean that his assertions for many, many things are not incredibly powerful.
I have said elsewhere, where I believe many of these gurus have been misguided is in advising remedies and routes to health which have much merit but which need time - and time is not what we have in the context of COVID. Hence (to my mind) the power of mass vaccination.
My concern is that much of the valuable work these individuals have done over the years is being discredited, quite without justification. Helen (and others) provides an alternative viewpoint which merits hearing and absolutely should not be stifled. As has already been suggested, if you personally find what Helen says offensive, then by all means mute her and let the rest of us continue the discussion.


Sue, I am a complementary therapist myself.
I am a Reiki Master Practitioner.
As you well know, it is her continuing to post her views on vaccination on SF and then to Facebook which I think is wrong.

Sorry Jane, of course, senior moment! :slight_smile: