The estate agent marketing my house called me a connasse

Eh cong :) PACA is a different country, as we say. I have in-laws and former colleagues in Rhône - Alpes, they often say "how do things work in PACA? We don't understand anything in our dealings there". I usually reply..."ô, on s'arrange.." avé l'assent

Mafiosi as well as tosspots! Mind you, PACA ah là là need one say more ;-) ( I'm from the Var by the way...)

Nope, it's an indice :p

Yeah, but you know how the CNFPT work...I had the dossier all prepared at one time and there was this huge hoo-haw with Hyères (the PACA CNFPT HQ) and I got told "no way, Môssieu" so I thought "s*d it". They are tosspots, fair play to ye :)

Then they are a) contravening the law & b) tosspots - anyone suitably qualified can sit the concours (I say this as a fonctionnaire de catégorie A myself) ;-) (& A+ isn't an official category ;-) again )

Oh Véro, I retired two years ago after twenty-two years of contractuel, catégorie "A+", the conservateurs du patrimoine ex-Ecole du Louvre have made quite sure that no macaques from Lancashire can become catégorie A+ titulaires, only catégorie C (museum guards and bottle-washers etc)

Re being a fonctionnaire Ian (& assuming you are an EU citizen), I'm afraid that's nonsense. As long as you are qualified up to the level required to go in for it, just do the concours, there's no difference between French & other EU candidates.

"Ce n’est pas la première fois que j’étais troublé par le comportement de Mme xxx "

Cela n'est pas la première fois que le comportement de Mme Xxxx à mon encontre me gène

would be better, I think.

As a former "fonctionnaire" (well, "contractuel" because they don't want foreign "titulaires"), that letter looks fine to me, Sarah. "Connasse" indeed *snort*, you could whisper "ratbag" as you pass her house :)

Good luck and I hope she gets "sorted"

Done! Thank you!