The great Marmite divide

I am not in any sense an expert @Ken_Barker (as you can probably tell :smiley: ) but the reason my partner was ok about finally taking the Febuxostat was the reduced number of significant side effects compared with Allopurinol. (That and , of course, the fact that he’d fought so hard for years to beat it without medication and it had finally won…!)

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I recall driving through Dunkerque in search of the ferry terminal one dark and misty morning when they were doing some road works - only just made the ferry in time :sweat:

Interesting. I too have reduced kidney function but have managed to control bouts of gout to zero in recent times without any medication for the gout condition. Must be doing something right… My nephrologist keeps a very close eye on my bloods, tested every 3 months - interestingly requesting that they are not taken from the crook of my elbow…

Yes Graham I really miss the thoroughness of the French medical system. It must be some 4 or 5 years since I saw a nephrologist and that was in France. As I am due for a blood test tomorrow (definitely from the crook of my elbow!) I will update the situation when the results come back. In France the results were available in a day or two. In the rural backwaters of England (Hastings) from 7 to 10 days.

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BCS is back!!!

The Vieux Rodez is deelish.

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and I think I remember you’re into football, Peter, get along to see the RAF, stade right in the centre of town, bon enfant, footy as I remember it, not that I’m a footy man but took my son along to see a game just for the fun, he is aveyronnais after all!
Not forgetting the SCA on your doorstep and the CO not too far away for a proper match, proper sport :wink:

Hi again Andrew,
I was actually referring to Dr Mark’s post about Aveyronnais cheese of which Vieux Rodez is one of my local favourites !
Saying that, I do like Rodez but have never been to the RAF who were promoted to the second division a couple of years back if I recall. SCA are decent but CO are a much higher level despite their current money woes. I enjoy the rugby XIII at Albi though travel to Toulouse and Perpignan for a higher grade.
Rodez is a nice place to visit but beware, it’s quite a lot cooler than Albi or Carmaux despite the short distance away. We were there about a month ago and had a shock when the 25° in Lescure became about 20° with a brisk easterly !!

Don’t I know it, I used to work there but it’s still always a couple of degrees warmer than Baraqueville/Rieupeyroux (where I spent a winter years ago… never again!)

Yes, it’s amazing how the climate/temperature varies around these parts. Albi is very mild and almost wind free compared to Rodez, Lacaune and Castres.
We went to thé Fête du Jambon at Lacaune two years ago. It was the middle of august and about 28° and calm at Albi. We arrived at Lacaune about 50 kms southeast and were greeted with blue skies and a howling easterly. Fortunately we had coats in the car….
Castres has a ‘special’ climate too, it’s like being in a different country !

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However, Rodez is hotter than its surrounding areas in summer. The wealthy Ruthenois used to move their households en masse to their country estates around Marcillac for the summer and only returned to the city after the grapes had been harvested. If you hike around Marcillac and Clairveux d’Aveyron you’ll see many fine maisons de maîtres from those days.

I just tried something different, having run out of bread. Savoury pancakes with marmite! Bloody delicious.
I also tried using a little less batter to start with and putting some marmite in the middle before covering with more batter. These ones can be reheated for a short time in the toaster for breakfast too :grin:

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Nice one, going to try that😜. I put marmite in my roast potatoes🙂


There really are some weird people in the world :wink::yum::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Do you put butter on them?

No, just marmite. I might try adding grated cheese on top and grilling them tomorrow… :grin:

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Love marmite…but not good for gout …but you only live once, life is not a rehearsal