Too Old To Drive?

Even so he can continue to drive to his heart’s content on private land, the crown isn’t exactly short of it. A good compromise I’d say.

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… and there have so many conflicting statements, it is still not clear what happened… some say the other car ran into his… then other folk say his car hit the other car…

thus, without casting blame… if he has decided to give up driving on public roads… that is his choice and fair enough…

Pretty obvious that this was contingent upon his handing back his driving licence.

That’s what I think. Words have been said

Frankly, it is a shame that the full details are not coming to light… in the court room…

There has been so much conflicting info on all sides…

Like the passenger saying that they saw the other vehicle (dithering) at the junction, when it was 150 yards away…

At 50mph within 150 yards… if I see a car (dithering) at a junction, I prepare for the worst… albeit hoping for the best.

Been in many similar situations in UK and in France… and never hit anyone … nor been hit… … yet…

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Perhaps more will be revealed in time. I had a very similar accident many years ago. No doubt who’s fault it was, but no blame was apportioned.

IMO… PP would be verbally torn to shreds if anyone, officially, dared to suggest that it was not actually ALL his fault… :thinking: so he is better off, perhaps, just taking the hit (oh dear…a pun… well, I did have a glass or two…)


I have suspected for some time that PP has some kind of a problem that for reasons best known to themselves the royal family have been keeping quiet. It that case this is the best solution all round

Now then Nellie… :wink::roll_eyes::thinking:

Although, my Dad was told he could drop dead at any time… the Doctor did not advise/tell him to give up driving…

Thankfully, my Dad had a clear moment and handed me his keys/V5 and the car…

Sensible decision, no further discussion needed.

Doesn’t surprise me.

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I saw that in our local Norfolk paper yesterday. Knowing what she had done why on earth did she go on national tv etc?

Maybe because she is a bit stupid?


Too much inter-breeding in Norfolk :crazy_face:

Thanks for the insult Graham.

Now then everyone… Norfolk is as good as my second-home… friends and family abound there… no insults allowed… by anyone… except me, of course… :crazy_face::relaxed:

The Mayor & Mayoress of Norwich ?

Don’t mention it :innocent: