Totally perdu

It’s a huge knob/knocker, and not only has it stood up to a lot of handling, it still looks in good shape, more than a couple of fist-fulls of heavy knocking in it still, by the look of it.

Some might find that metallic blue-black colour a bit intimidating, but if it still gets people running down the hall panting with excited anticipation to greet the postman, it’s going to take some beating.

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Didn’t we have a separate, on its own, topic about knockers (and maybe knobs too) a little while ago?

Knobs are like a golden thread in every cordial social intercourse on SF, as I’m confident it can be agreed. Don’t let’s knock 'em.

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I didn’t know that was the name of that character. Only just caught the end of his career. Doesn’t age well does it?

*My edited insert for clarity’s sake…

Oh I don’t know about that, Mandy. I’m not on the side of revisionism, which is blaming earlier generations for not anticipating the unforeseeable future.

It’s not as if there aren’t many things the present generation considers squeaky clean and right-on that later generations will wring their hands in grief and sorrow about. Hindsight is a marvellously unenlightened thing, don’t you sometimes think? I do, and although I look back on much of my personal past with shame and remorse, there are some things I’m not ashamed of.

Laughing at Dick Emery’s humour is one such. He was/is a brilliant satirist of his era.

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I’m not suggesting there is anything inappropriate about the sketch or him. It feels very dated and I don’t particularly enjoy it. I guess we can’t all like the same thing. The world would be very boring if that were the case.


Much of the comedy from the 70’s and 80’s wouldn’t appeal today because the world has moved on but Dick Emery was one of the few from that era that some more recent comedians copy.

You’ve all just put me off my breakfast! Dick Emery made me retch at the time, and still does it seems. Awful, awful act.

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That’s the thing, Mandy…and everyone
If it is true, I just need to get a grip… And I should be Mrs Smugs of Smugworth, etc…
Why doesn’t an official tell me that?
Why did they tell me to make another appointment, at the Prefet…with instructions about being German?
If Germans don’t need cartes de sejour…why give themselves extra work…
You don’t keep up with the news.
It really is not so strange, that any country likes to send back to wherever will feel obliged to accept them…all those who look a bit iffy, for super fit geriatric years.
Everyone knows OAPs quite often become some kind of frail, before dying.
How many of us get to 97, doing our pressups/cartwheels/reading the daily Tellygraph…eating hyper top quallie food with all our teeth and eyes fully functional?
How many of us, as fogies do not present an unholy menace to whoever it is might think they oughtta coff up?
For all those grannies with multiple loving offspring, hey, wassa prob? France loves you, Everywhere, Everyone loves you, because you don’t cost anything. That’s fair. How many ancient grannies belonging to other families, to YOU like to pick up the tabs for?
I don’t blame France for not liking to accept all the retired people, currently comfortable on their pensions, who live peaceful, quiet and happy lives …who are about to LOSE…all the income they ever needed, along with the healthcare provided …within the current UK/France in Europe, arrangements.
I’m even better off, than most!Unnaturally fit, keen biker and traveler, with extra income, now picking up after deep probs for my gallery in Japan. So what?
What’s the difference anyone in authority can see, between me and a few thou. Other Old Foreigners, who must cease to get their own countries support, in a few weeks? Months? Time.
You haven’t read the news, then?
Old people are being deported. Whatever their health/income status.
That means ALL EU people. Who are ancient, and likely (in fr. Gouv. Opinion) to need French funds to support them.
Or is there some kind of secret fund I don’t know about for Germans especially?
I suppose how it all works is that all German EU citizens are safe because they have guaranteed back up from Germany.
I dunno.
But, same as Brits, do currently, but not after brexit.
If you mean, all it needs is for me to bend some body’s ear in German social services, you’d be kind to say so.
All that has been said, to date is… If you are refused a French carte de sejour no prob for you NOW, as ex Brit, because Germany will let you live there.
I’ll bike it to Düsseldorf, looks nice and arty, never been there, but its the big town not far from my G’Fathers home village. Maybe if I show up there and say…Hey all the blokes on SF said I’d never be deported but here I am. Could you please help out with a good sized bit of studio space and basic living quarters, plus a bit of dosh… till my next cheque comes in?

If you honestly believe this then I suggest you actually need to go and see your GP rather than posting here because they will be better able to provide you with the support you need.

My comment is not meant to sound harsh but is just a statement of fact.