Trump Trumps Trump

Perhaps that is another reason that the rally flopped.
I read that many young people applied for tickets to boost figures and knowing full well that they would not attend.
Good on them.


Whose national interest one wonders :thinking:

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Trumps niece is publishing a book dishing the dirt on their appalling family and Trump especially.
She had a family member who was severely disabled and their attitude to that was to find him a babysitter and apparently, they withdrew family funding for him.
Lovely people.

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US military deaths since WW2 (source Wikipedia):

Korean War (1950 – 1953) 36,574

Vietnam War (1961 – 1975) 58,209

Iraq War (2003 – 2011) 4,576

War in Afghanistan (2001 – present) 2,216

Total: 101,575

As at 28/06/2020 USA Covid-19 deaths: 125,539

Blows my mind!


Well he might not be as well off as Covid must have closed down his hotels and golf courses.
He is in hock to the Russians as well.

Trump being interviewed on Fox tv. Yes this really is the President of the most powerful country on earth so don’t pinch yourself.

I wonder who gave him this idea? His mate Faridge perhaps :thinking:

and the Faridge poster…


And thus it starts - the death of democracy

I believe there are some unmovable obstacles written into the US constitution which limit how long a presidential election can be postponed, if at all.

I hope that they are there and that they are robust enough.


I hope we can rely on the true nature of the majority of the American people to vote Trump down and out of office.

If they spinelessly vote him back I hope the British people will vote for a change of Government that severs all ties with a poisonous and poisoned administration that is Hell bent on world domination and environmental destruction.

That severs all ties with an abomination.

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Even if Trump manages to delay the election, his term still expires on the 20th January 2021.

However, I guess in that scenario he would have to be ejected from the White House.

Yes, that is one of the protections I mentioned - though a very great deal goes pear-shaped if the US reaches that point without holding elections.

He can’t do it. Channel 4 News had an interview with a constitutional lawyer and he is just sounding off because he thinks he is going to lose.

Democracy is flawed when you don’t win.

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The problem with saying “he can’t do it” is that he might find a way - though the first step would be to delay the election (to get the unthinkable done move towards it in small steps, each of which is, in itself acceptable - even if just barely).

Fortunately as thing stand he needs both Houses to back him and the Democrats have the House of Representatives so should be able to block him.

Just don’t under-estimate Trup. The last time that happened he got elected.

What we are talking about, if Trump stays in power without an election, is really a coup d’état.
Worth mentioning, perhaps, that the nazis were never properly elected in Germany - they were the largest party prior to their seizure of power and it is arguable that Hitler became chancellor within the constitution - and only subsequently revised it to achieve absolute power - BUT this process took 2 or 3 years against a background of pretty severe civil conflict - contemporaries thought Germany was indeed on the verge of civil war - and it is this factor that seems common to most impositions of dictatorship on democracies.

That some of the conditions for another rise of fascism are present now is pretty well recognised. One of the most worrying things in all the right-wing populism - including brexit and Trump - is its apparent willingness to undermine the rule of law and embrace chaos - one wonders if they understand that this is necessary to gain absolute power. So for me a supplementary question is: could America collapse into the kind of civil conflict out of which Trump (or somebody else over the next 2 or 3 years) might take power?

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A situation in which the the Second Amendment might actually prove useful.
There are more armed civilians than any military force that a president can command.