UK Driving: Four New Driving Laws Coming In Sept 22

aww @_Brian don’t be such a spoilsport… we all need our dose of The Daily Basketcase and The Daily Vomit every so often :grin:

According to others we only ever link to The Guardian!

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Apparently in the UK, unsold lap tops are almost given away! You wont believe what unsold EV’s are going for and expensive cruise holidays are up for grabs for very little. Oh and pigs can now reach a height of 5 feet whilst soaring on thermals. :joy:


At the end of the day, people will believe what they want to believe and will disregard the rest.
It’s called “freedom of choice” - long may it last :slightly_smiling_face:

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1984 is such a prescient work…


Indeed, but the current government has confused it with an instruction manual instead of a terrible warning.