UK driving licence expired

This only happens to other people surely but I happened to look at my UK license today and discovered it ran out last year. I’m a bit confused about the exchange process so if anyone can offer any insights I’d be grateful.

Which bit has expired? 4b on the front or 11 on the back? If it’s just the photocard then just an offence (€135) and you can still drive.

The process to exchange isn’t as awful as it seems, you just have to concentrate carefully and not select retraité. Via the ANTS site.

4b on the front has expired. 11 on the back runs to 2025.

Then you are still mobile - just behave carefully so don’t get stopped :grin:. You insurance should still be valid.

I think exchanges are taking a couple of months now, but after a short’ish while you get an attestation to drive. Until then just a receipt that have made the application.

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Is that for profession ? If so, and you are retired then what can you put ? If not, then what is meant ? Also, why not put retraité ?

Retraité is very specific for people with French pensions. Anyone else who selects it will find their application rejected.

Sans emploi or inactif depending in what is offered as options.

Thanks @JaneJones , it’s a few years until I can swap mine, but I’ll have to keep that in mind.

Are we talking about French licences here? Or the UK one mentioned in the OP? If the latter what does a French pension have to do with it please?

Confused. :worried:

Because it is a question on the ANTS form when applying to change to a French one if your UK one has expired…

Oh I see, thanks, I obviously mistook the word ‘exchange’ to mean exchange for another UK one. :roll_eyes:

By @ChrisK’s reaction to your post you obviously interpreted it correctly. :smile:

I was alarmed by the thought that, as a French pensioner I might have my own rejected, but I see now. Even though I will have to live till I am 90 I can still do without other things to worry about at the moment. :worried:

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I’ve messages @fabien to check the insurance situation and opened a ANTS account.
I’ll need a photo so will get it done tomorrow.

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You also need to get a DVLA checkcode or D737 and make sure you don’t forget to attach it to the application. (Guess who did! :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:)

Yes, I’ve downloaded the check code too. So it should all be simple enough now…:rofl:

Oh how easy it all used to be.
Was given a job driving. Day 1 morning.
Day 1 afternoon. Start tomorrw here’s your wagon this is where you have to go.
Day 1 afternoon, later. Oops, to drive an HGV you need a French licence. Prevued activities postponed one day.
Day 2 morning. Fronted at Sub-Prefecture, handed my Swansea licence over the counter, was immediately given a French one in return (might have been a temp, can’t remember, but it was valid).
Day 3 morning. Started driving my wagon, or, would have done if the Grande Tempete had not come through overnight and blocked all exits from village.
Spent several days with a van, another driver and 2 mechanics all armed with chainsaws to clear roads.
Some days later, headed south with wagon and drag. :joy:


ANTS have rejected my application almost before I got started. Not sure what to do now :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Keep trying is my advice, maybe at strange hours too! I applied for a change of address sticker for my carte grise three times before I finally received it. That France Connect part was the problem I found. Also make sure you are putting the correct french info into the spaces as advised when mentioning personal circumstances.

No, they’ve actually provided a rejection letter!

do they say “why” ???

This is the letter,

Le 30/08/2023, vous avez validé une démarche sur le site afin d’échanger, contre un permis de conduire français, votre permis de conduire délivré par :


Les conditions de reconnaissance et d’échange des permis de conduire délivrés par les États n’appartenant ni à l’Union européenne, ni à l’Espace économique européen, sont fixées par l’article R222-3 du code de la route et l’arrêté du 12 janvier 2012 modifié, publié au Journal Officiel de la République française.

Vous avez indiqué être titulaire d’un titre de séjour ou un visa long séjour valant premier titre de séjour de l’un des cas suivants :

  • recherche d’emploi ou création d’entreprise (article L313-8 du CESEDA)

  • jeune au pair (article L313-9 du CESEDA)

  • visa vacances-travail (article R311-3 3° bis du CESEDA) - retraité (article L317-1 du CESEDA)

  • stagiaire (article L313-7-1 à L 313-7-2 du CESEDA)

  • travailleur saisonnier (article L313-23 du CESEDA)

  • travailleur temporaire avec un titre de séjour délivré pour moins de 185 jours (article L313-10 2° du CESEDA)

L’article 5-II-A de cet arrêté dispose que les titulaires de carte de séjour et visas de la liste ci-dessus sont réputés ne pas avoir acquis leur résidence normale en France et peuvent conduire en France avec leur permis de conduire étranger valide, pendant la durée de leur séjour en France, en veillant à l’accompagner d’une traduction par un traducteur assermenté près d’une Cour d’Appel en France ou d’un permis de conduire international.

Dans le cas où la validité de votre titre de conduite expirerait, vous n’êtes plus autorisé à conduire en France et il vous appartient d’en demander le renouvellement auprès des autorités qui vous l’ont délivré.

Vous avez affirmé détenir un tel titre de séjour ou visa. Je vous informe que toute fausse déclaration vous expose aux peines prévues à l’article 441-6 du code pénal.

Il vous appartiendra, si vous restez en France et que votre statut change au regard du séjour, de solliciter l’échange de votre titre de conduite étranger en vous rendant sur le site

Le PREFET Pour le préfet et par délégation La directrice du CERT EPE de Nantes

looks like you’ve put the wrong CdSejour details down… aren’t you CdSejour Withdrawal Agreement… ?? (5 or 10 year…)

something like that… from what they’re saying… you’re entitled to drive on your foreign license until your “visa” expires… ie they’ve got you in the wrong box :wink: