UKIP supporters call for the murder of Gina Miller

I’m assuming that as has been indicated by some politicians, that previous remainers in all parties (except the SNP )would uphold the will of the people as evidenced by the referendum and deliver Brexit…

We have a population of about 64 million in the UK maybe, but that would include kids…see this…

for a more accurate picture of things…
I’m not scared of the future, I’m personally convinced we are going in the right direction for ultimately a better future and I have found plenty of online evidence to support that.
I cant say anymore about it really…


Good. Please don’t.


Phew! That’s a relief!

Meanwhile back in the real world of Europe pre-Brexit…the effects are already being felt.

My brother runs a successful fruit and veg export business based in Provence. One of his main markets is the UK - has been for over 25 years. Due to the rapid weakening of the £ - many UK customers (wholesalers, supermarkets etc) are ‘naturally’ (!) trying to screw their European suppliers for lower prices - weak £ = expensive €.

Of course, the € prices set by exporters like my brother haven’t changed at all but the poor old UK wholesalers and supermarkets simply can’t absorb, or pass on the price increases due to the weak £, to their UK shoppers.

So, in my brothers case this means he simply diverts his produce to other EU markets unaffected by exchange rates. For the UK wholesalers and supermarkets it means supply lines are becoming more and more difficult to source. Ultimately it will mean massive price increases for the poor old UK shoppers when the UK supermarkets can no longer absorb price fluctuations on imported stock.

Brexit hasn’t even happened yet but already the writing is on the wall…be careful what you wish for.


I have to agree with you, Simon. Real world effects are indeed already being felt. Those of us on what was already a dismal pension (my husband, and it’s our main source of income) have lost quite badly already with the exchange rate. Our income is down more than 1/4 and we are trying to absorb that loss as costs continue to rise. The hubris of those who clearly dislike immigrants and insist the rest of us fall into line to support their little tantrum is beginning to wear thin.

The connection between Trump supporters and many Brexit supporters is not imaginary.


Are you a Lawyer? Have you gone through the academic rigour necessary to become a Lawyer? Do you work the long hours worked by most Lawyers? Having read you posts I would guess that the answer to all the above questions. Reducing their position to childish jokes just about sums you up. I think that you will find that the real joke is closer to home!

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@Aquitaine you’re getting dangerously off topic. May I remind you of our guidelines;

If you can’t be civil, don’t reply.

Short response."you cant make a (new) omlette without breaking a few eggs’…I think it will be relatively short -term pain for long time gain…‘the writing is on the wall for the EU’ and it’s not just me saying it…


Yes, there is a connection in that they want something done to change the ‘status quo’…and for their concerns to be taken seriously and acted upon…I have American friends and they admit to the fact that the US system is not working well (not Obama’s fault) and that it is so hard to get anything done…


Sorry James this will be my last post on this topic. In my opinion Hilary’s attempts to discredit lawyers are also way off the mark.

Thanks James,
Even in one’s ‘darkest hour’…It is important to try to retain a sense of humour (other we might as well all be ‘fundamentalists’…)…This is a forum and surely everyone’s opinion is valid in that they have a right to post, even if one doesn’t share that point of view. It is irritating to be told that anyone who voted Brexit, did so out of sheer stupidity, ignorance or because of racist attitudes…not the case, I am glad to say…


I could show you all several similar “Comments” columns from national and local press where any number of illiterate trolls advocate extermination of the local Council, entire Parliament, or Police force or whoever. Nobody should take any of this seriously, much is written to irritate other posters (much like this SFN one at times!).

To suggest that anyone who comments on the news item featured here (which I have never encountered before, despite following UKIP- and Brexit-related news items with enthusiasm) represents UKIP itself or UKIP members in general is ludicrous and grossly irresponsible. It is no better than the spam email I received today headed: “I AM VERY ANGRY AND IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT!” from some non-existent individual whose previous spam mails have all been deleted without being read.

Let’s have a sense of proportion and not get over-excited by such trivial nonsense as comments on a random thread. Discuss the latest turn up for the Brexit book if you want to - those in favour of Remaining in the EU will insult those who wish to Leave, and Levers will defend their views without convincing Remainers. I’m very bored with such discussions and they get us nowhere.


Hilary, I am an American. It is the obstructionist Republicans in our country, many with views like your own, who have ensured “nothing gets done”. They have blocked Obama and Democrats at every turn, in part, they say, because they’re “angry”. Let’s face it, we’re all angry about a lot of things in our societies. It’s how we choose to harness that anger that allows us, or not, to maintain our humanity. Blaming one group of people for the ills of society has been tried, and has never worked. The golden rule and its very basic tenet has fallen by the wayside, forgotten entirely by screeching Brexiters and lunatic Trump fans whose only concern is themselves, under the guise of “taking back” or “making great again”. I don’t buy it, and, thankfully, there are millions in our two countries who don’t buy it, either.


I see that Farage is now calling upon 100,000 Brexiteers to lobby the Supreme Court on the day of the proposed appeal. That surely is pure intimidation of the judiciary. He should be given a strict talking to, and, if necessary, jailed for contempt of court. He appears to be having some sort of brain seisure.


Well said Katherine - excellent post!!

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So that’s six million with half a brain, and 17 million with none at all.


Well Katherine, I really don’t know how I would vote if I was an American…I was pro Clinton a few months back, but after watching the ‘debates’, (if you can call them that) and following the coverage and discussions on TV, now I am not so sure…I am for Obama care and couldn’t believe that when it was being opposed (some people might remember that I posted the link to Paul Hipp’s satirical song…‘We’re 37’ )…

I have already objected to the assertion that all Brexiteers are racists…it is simply is not the case ! The whole question was about much more than the desire to control immigration, but ‘Remainers’ use it as a not so effective ‘smear’…(everyone has ‘rumbled’ that by now)…calling someone a ‘racist’ is a tactic that is almost guaranteed to wreck someones career…and must be rebutted on this forum…Where we are all entitled to express our opinions, especially if delivered in a (comparatively sane),calm and measured way, without ‘screeching’…
Diana is right, we aren’t going to convince each other to change sides…we need to accept that we have all researched, debated and formulated our own opinions and we should respect that…

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Hilary, if you don’t know for whom you would vote in the U.S. election that says more about you than everything else you have written.

I didn’t call you a racist. The word is thrown around a lot these days and is losing its potency, sadly. I don’t believe all “Brexiters” are racist, either, but a fair whack of them are. If you deny that, I’m afraid you’re a part of the problem.

I wish you well.


What the bloody hell is happening in this world ?

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The lunatics have been given the keys to the asylum…

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This judgement merely underlines the sovereignity of the UK Parliament, which I thought was the objective of the Brexiteers!