Violence between Chechens and Algerians in Dijon

Never once said that Jane but the way you have described the incident (in dribs and drabs) and hearsay leaves one to different conclusions. That said, I still strongly defend my comment that calling Police murderers in a public forum without the evidence to back it up is extremely unwise.

I saw no evidence that you were accused of ‘almost making it up ‘Jane, myself and I believe Izzy are fairly new to the forum, we are reading about things for the first time I liked the post because I agreed with what Graham said ,and I do think that referring to the police as murderers isn’t a good idea

You are absolutely right Gilly.
It seems that the police, where ever they are choose their targets.
In France the gendarmerie were set up to control the population, hence their militaristic set up.
Now they are abrogating that responsibility and still wanting to retain unacceptable methods of control of their fellow citizens.

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I t sounds like you don’t have much time for any police service Jane?

I don’t have time for those who abuse their power, wherever they are.

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I don’t get that impression at all. I think that Jane is asking for fairness which is what we should all be pushing for. The Police face a lot of dangers, obviously, but it doesn’t mean that unreasonable force should be allowed. They should not be a law unto themselves and should be taken to task (as in America) should they behave inappropriately.


I completely agree Gilly but I get the impression that a lot of people who are vocal in what they say about the police,have never actually done the job and don’t know what officers have to face in 2020
Although I have to say that I think the cases in America are appalling and the officers deserve all they get

Eddie, the gendarmes who shot our neighbour Jerome didn’t face him. They shot him in the back whilst specifically charged with finding him to prevent him from supposedly self harming.
We used to have a lovely village bobby in Minchinhampton and on two occasions I was very glad to see him and his help.
He was eventually moved from Minch and sent to work at Highgrove because he had twice been beaten up by village thugs.
Ordinary citizens do not have the powers given to the police and they must be made to use it for the benefit of their fellow citizens and not for their own self aggrandisement, especially as we have seen in the USA and in the case of the young black man in Aberdeen.

I am referring to one instance which has already been established. End of.

Is it possible that you are a retired policeman Graham?

They were ordinary gendarmes based at Cluny. There was no reason for deploying any other kind of force.

You only have to look at the name - literally people of arms!

My antecedent career history has no bearing on the basic issue behind the requirement for evidence.

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Did that sentence come naturally or did you read it from your notebook? :slight_smile:

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No m’lud, it came to me in a flash of inspiration whilst contemplating the price of fish :wink:


I have not previously written about other incidents where the ordinary gendarmerie have given cause for concern. To put you in the picture, I was accused of committing a misdemeanour that I had not done. I was accused of leaving the scene of an accident in a car park in a nearby village. When I spoke to our Mayor about it to let him know what was happening, he looked at the name and pointed to his head, elle est folle! He went to the gendarmerie to explain that this woman was well known for causing trouble, but was told that he was too late and the investigation would proceed.
She was the wife of an ex traffic policeman and I was given to understand that it was he who insisted that I be prosecuted.
I was asked to take my car to the gendarmerie, which I did and after being questioned I asked if someone had taken pictures of my car, which was the obvious reason for being asked to take it. No was the reply, so I insisted that 'photos were taken. I also asked if I could see the 'photos of the the other car, but they were unable to find them.
Whilst examining my car the sergeant indicated to my french friend, who was accompanying me to ensure that I understood what was happening, that any marks on my car did not match those n the other car.
I refused to pay and it got to the point that I was being threatened with proceedings by the Police Insurance Company. At that time I became critically ill with pancreatitis and my insurers, a local Mutuelle, insisted that they pay and I should be left to get better.
After having my gall bladder removed and recovering I was charged, but the Prosecutor refused to take the case.
To add insult injury I was then recalled to be fingerpringed and have my photo taken, like a common criminal, just to complete the dossier.
An elderly neighbour had his car driven into by a tractor and because the tractor driver was a friend of the young gendarmes he was harrassed and they tried to make him admit that he was at fault. He then became a recluse and was frightened to leave his home. His insisted that his sister stay at home with him and she became a virtual prisoner as well. He has recently died and she is now able to resume her life.
Another neighbour, well educated this time, was at a junction and saw a gendarmerie car parked up.
He made his turn and was then forced to stop and accused of not waiting for nine seconds before moving off. He insisted that they show him where it said that they had to wait for nine seconds and, of course, they couldn’t.
These incidents happened to people nearby to me and this is not policing, it is harassment!
As you are questioning the basic requirements for evidence, I have told you what has happened to me.
I don’t know who the other person who has liked your post is, but both of you should understand that what goes on around here is not policing and what we should have is true evidence.
For the first time in my life I regretted the absence of a surveillance camera!

When I was an undergraduate “All right guv, it’s a fair cop, you’ve got me bang to rights, I’ll come quietly” is what you were supposed to say if you were ever arrested, the theory was that when it was read out in court it would be so obviously not what you might actually say that whatever else you were accused of would be dismissed as an invention too. I haven’t tried it though :grin:

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My mother told me the Police were there to protect me.
I feel that all our police have lost the concept of protecting citizens.
We need a reset of these principals. In addition ordinary citizens in that new world should stand up and support their Police force.

Peelian principles

Be interesting to listen to the recordings on body worn video,and see if anybody does

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