Well I never

Depends where you are, and I know nuthin. Your nearest pépinière prob best person to ask…

The tree I “guard” is an old one, giving large, black/purple figs with golden insides. Delicious raw, in jam or whatever preserve - also great halved and pan-fried (caramelised) … my mouth is watering at the thought. Those Figs available from mid-August right through to frosts in some years.

I’ll ask around see if anyone knows what variety it is.

“My tree” is the best of all the figiers growing around here.


Thanks, we’ve eaten other people’s figs from this area but they’ve inherited them so don’t know the varieties.

I freeze melon with crystalized ginger in a honey syrup. That is truly an adult desert served with creme fraiche or homemade vanilla icecream.


That sounds delicious, what variety of melon do you use?

Wow - I’ll have to give that a try.

Hi Lily,

I use whatever I grow which is usually the cantaloupe type.

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