We've got Covid 🙄

I love Grand Frais.

Our nearest one is about 50KMs away sadly… I’d happily move to Blanquefort just because they’ve got a Grand Frais!


Yes and coconut cream is part of it + spinach / rocket / mache / avocardo / salt / chilli / coco water


It’s the word ‘immunity’ that’s misleading. Some vaccines do provide immunity, whereas others, particularly if Covid related, tend to reduce the severity of the infection.

I know its a 1 man crusade against miss use of the word or even vaccine which it sadly fails at compared to real vaccines.

I wonder if the fairly huge quantities of ginger turmeric galangal garlic pepper chillies etc etc I eat account for my not yet having had COVID? Or obv it’s just a coincidence.


I wonder how many haven’t had COVID on here, neither myself, my wife or FIL have had it yet, are we just lucky.

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  • Have had covid
  • Haven’t had covid
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We shop there, we’ll try it.

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Was/is Covid less prevalent in SE Asia?

From what you write Vero you eat very well so could be at least part of it. I havent had covid either and get out in the sun where possible ( safely obviously) and vitamin d suppliments. I dont eat processed crap normally but stick to a low carb diet.

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Looked into this just the other day. Seems after Sars etc they were better prepared but the early strain took a toll on the co morbidity older generations.

Source please (preferably not a YouTube video)!

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We have a reasonable diet, are well jabbed… and have avoided Covid so far.
I’d be grateful for an idea of good tips for Vitamin D, while we are so poorly supplied with sunshine at the moment…


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Maybe start with a blood test to see if you have a deficiency?


Ah… I was just wondering…
I’m not presuming any deficiency… :wink:

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Neither was I, but I had it checked and was surprised to find the level a bit low, although I take 1000 IU every day!

Thats an issue, who actually does think they maybe deficient in any nutrient, then we have the NHS and their advice from the early 20th century when someone came up with the minimum to avoid ricketts and they have not increased the advice since!

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I’m merely considering what can replace the sunshine benefit… which is sorely lacking in this ghastly weather… :wink:

Good advice but almost a certainty as I posted a link from a French study just the other day.
The media of youtube, provided the speaker is of sufficient standing shouldnt change the narrative, Professors or PhD researchers with meta analysis should be enough as there is bugger all profit in it for them if you buy a bit more vitamin D.


My thoughts exactly, Vero! We eat mostly Asian/SE Asian food through the winter, which contains just about every fashionable immunity-boosting ingredient (so far) known to man. No colds, no 'flu and (so far) no Covid. Then again, the quantities of onion, garlic, cumin etc etc rather preclude lots of bisou-ing, which has got to be a factor in France’s status as a hotspot.