What are your thoughts? - Brit denied French Nationality (citizenship)

I knew I could rely on you Anne :grin:

The other difference is that he is a white until-recently-European so obviously the situations are totally different in that he is highly privileged and actually has the right to live here and have a CdS unlike these refugees.
I suppose what is irritating me about him is the ‘oh the poor victim’ aspect, the seemingly entitled attitude: ‘look these brown people are just given nationality and what about him’ etc
Anyway I am sure the administration who - unlike us w have actually seen his dossier, have their own reasons.

Or maybe I’m just a grouch, partly because I just am and partly because I am currently doing my job and my absent German colleague’s job because there is no substitute available.

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I wonder if you’re being a bit disingenous there Alex.
The “tin” upon which it says “liberté égalité fraternité” is the French Republic.
So it could be argued that it applies specifically to the people inside that tin, ie, French citizens.

I’m not saying that means France doesn’t have be fair in all its dealings with French and non French alike. I’m just saying I’m not convinced by that particular argument.

How much do you need to earn to get I mean a skilled carpenter should have a really high income especially in France because of the shortages in skilled workers because the young don’t whant too do manual work there is more to this story don’t you think

Where did he say about ‘brown people’? - I must have missed it.

I think we must not forget… that this gentleman has plenty of time to get his finances into order… and once he has done so, he can reapply for French Nationality. There is nothing to stop him doing so.

In the meantime, if he applies he will be granted a Carte de Sejour Residant Permanent, without problem, as far as I can see as the requirements are much more flexible.

I’m sure there is.
Article says he’s been here 27 years, a quick check indicates that he started his business in 1999. That’s not 27 years ago. Probably makes no difference whether he’s been a carpenter for 27 years or 21 years but it’s one more reminder that we know next to nothing about this story.

Do we know for certain he started the petition?

Indeed - the trouble with these sorts of stories is that one never gets to hear all the details.

I think he should apply for his CdS and have another go in 2 years - as Stella says it sounds like he has been told clearly where his application is lacking, it is up to him to address this.

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Actually, rather than a criticism of a people or nation per se, it was intended more to provoke thought about the use of principles that seem well intentioned, but which inevitably get more or less ridden roughshod when it comes to actually making them apply to a given situation. I see such grand principles everyday in the fields of law I practise, with various nation states or unions (including the EU) or other legal bodies, yet am constantly irked by what appears to be some form of bending the corners of the tin to fit the case, policy, or objective at hand or of the day. It shows the inevitable human weakness behind such well intentioned principles. At least, coming back to the case of this chap’s naturalisation application, for which I have no particular sympathy one way or the other given my current lack of details of the case, the Prefecture has been quoted as stating that it has “discretionary power” and has used that power. The main thing in my opinion then is that it hasn’t abused that discretionary power.

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No we don’t - but you wouldn’t splash somebody’s private life and photograph all over social media and the local press without them agreeing to it, would you?

Hi Stella - This is the umpteenth time you have ‘quoted’ or referred to the words which came from ‘on high’ - Any chance you could elaborate as to how you managed to get this amazing insight to French government thinking when the rest of us are left to the cold embrace of Gouvernement web sites - I"m sure, like me, many others are interested in who your "source’ is and why you, and none of us, have been given the ‘inside track’?


Yes I agree. And what I don’t like is that all these thousands of people, most of whom I suspect don’t know the facts either, have signed a petition saying in effect that they think it has abused its discretionary power. I think that is out of order.


Dan… I went to a public meeting where French government officials spoke to us and answered questions. I was not alone there… it was quite a crowd… I was in the second row, so didn’t miss a word.

Questions re CdS and Nationality… amongst other subjects… had been submitted in advance… so the officials came well prepared with answers. they also took questions from the floor…

But these mottos (not quite the right word, there’s a better one on the tip of my tongue but I can’t get it) are aspirational, aren’t they?
My school had a Latin motto which to my shame I’ve forgotten, something about being beacons of enlightenment and truth or something like that. It would have been lovely if we had all turned out beacons of enlightenment and truth, but we didn’t and I don’t think anyone seriously thought we all would.

What would journalists do for a living, if they couldn’t sensationalise an otherwise insignificant situation ?


Investigate and fact check a few important issues? No, silly idea…

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Thanks Stella - Out of interest where and when was this and which department of the government were they from as nothing similar has happened recently in our part of the world. Did they hand out any printed information that you might share.

Dan, this isn’t the first case, nor will it be the last.

Pour info : Les principaux motifs de refus ou d’ajournement de naturalisation

Actualité de la profession

Par Me Sanjay NAVY

Les principaux motifs de refus ou d'ajournement de naturalisation

L’administration bénéficie d’un pouvoir d’appréciation dans l’octroi ou le refus de la nationalité française par naturalisation.

Les principaux arguments avancés par l’administration pour refuser ou ajourner une demande de naturalisation dont le dossier est pourtant complet sont :

  • des éventuels mensonges ou fraudes (fiscales, aux prestations sociales…) ;

  • l’existence de dettes à l’égard d’organismes étatiques ou d’un bailleur ;

  • l’absence de stabilité dans la situation financière du demandeur (pas de revenus stables, ressources faibles au regard des personnes à charge, revenus provenant de l’étranger…) ;

  • la présence d’enfant(s) ou de l’époux à l’étranger (en l’absence de décision de justice de séparation) ;

  • l’existence de procédure pénale (même en l’absence de condamnation) ;

  • une mauvaise maîtrise de l’histoire ou des valeurs françaises.

Parfois, ces arguments peuvent être contestés devant le ministre de l’Intérieur ou le tribunal administratif.

Pour ce faire, n’hésitez pas à me contacter (s.navy@lillelegal.com).


The Préfet de la Haute-Vienne… organised it at St Yrieix. … but many of us came from much, much further afield… there is to be another in April.

I know we had a representative from the French Ministère de l’interieur… and I’ve forgotten the others… but they had similar credentials.

Incidentally, I have my own letter from the Ministre de l’interieur himself… when he answered my own written enquiry…

Sorry Andrew - Is that post directed at me? if so Why - l am trying to ‘source’ Stella"s info so l can make my own inquiries. If it’s directed at another Dan perhaps you could specify - Thanks