What Brexit means to me

Beer has traditionally been served at ambient temperature for centuries, if not for ever. That way it delivers all its subtlety and satisfaction.

Chilled beer is just a fad, for which the Ozzie’s must share a lot of the blame, though it makes a kind of upside-down logic in the scorching antipodes.

German “kleine Stuben” don’t sell chilled beer, but what they produce is sublime (well, mostly so).

Traditional beer is not chilled, nor is it warm, it is as it comes, which is how it should be drunk IMO.

I have found that the unhesitating acceptance of Scottish bank-notes lessens the further south of the border one tenders such, which route one takes, the value of the purchase, where the purchase is made, and the demeanour, accent, and costume of the customer (other variables on a postcard to the Higginsons please, not to me):joy:

Would make a nerd somewhere very happy as a research project?

John, I agree with you in principal that it will no be the same as nearly 50 years ago, which is why having people think that international travel will nigh ground to a halt is unrealistic. Ease of travel around the world has not been made possible by the EU but by technology. If, should it come to it, that UK citizens need to get a visa of some sort to travel, as is mooted, and that is the extent of the hardship, it is hardly the end of the world and no more than a minor inconvenience.

You mention that there is no “project fear” but there is. I know people who are quite happy to indulge in it, including my brother. He is only interested in getting the result he wants, not in what tactics he uses. He no doubt justifies this as “well they started it”. Some “stories” have been completely nonsensical but there are still people who believe them even though others might well see through them.

I rarely do this but am going to explain my position on Brexit. We have lived in France for 3 years and never felt for one minute we would be sent home nor that anyone in the UK would be. Can anyone imagine the amount of admin involved in doing that for each country and nor is it in any country’s interests. I am a Remainer but am just as disgusted by the vitriol if not more so by those who voted Remain as I am by those on the Leave side. Remainers tend to think they have the moral high ground on the subject of Brexit as they wish to think everyone who voted leave is either stupid or a racist if not both. There are far too many double standards going on. That is not aimed at anyone here but is a general observation. Like much in modern life, and social media certainly has it’s part to play, there tends to be too much polarisation of views rather than concensus or an acceptance that other people are allowed to hold opposite views from yourself.

I could go on for some time but won’t. I must say that in the main I think this group has handled discussions regarding Brexit better than many others and as a group we do seem to be able to discuss things without getting into personal slanging matches. And at this moment in time that appears to be quite a rare thing.


Agree, and in UK and elsewhere Carlsberg, Tuborg et al are unfortunately dominant, a pity. Personally I don’t order those if I can avoid.

Unfortunately we were offered just a binary choice in the referendum. There should be no surprise that there’s polarisation.

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Isn’t that the only way a referendum can be offered?

Agreed but I meant in many other fields as well as Brexit. Compromise is seen less and less as an answer.

To answer the original question…to me, Brexit means that something has been taken from me without my consent. I will cease to be a European Citizen fairly soon - something I will resent until my last breath.


Thank you!!! I’m on several forums and cannot count the amount of times I have been called “uneducated”, “stupid”, “ignorant” and a racist and then get lectured as though I am a disobedient child. They’d never dare do that to my face but it’s easy to be rude to online strangers. Just because I voted differently and not to the liking of those who cat-call. I have every sympathy for online forum admin who have to monitor some of this stuff …


No, you could put as many options as you want, but the feeling in British politics seems to be that voters can’t cope with more than two (and you then also get into arguments about voting schemes, which the public don’t understand either).

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Or drink warm beer.

I don’t have a problem with anyone who voted out, they were given a choice and made it. Where I do take issue though is when leavers don’t accept that Brexit is a gamble as no one can possibly know what the effect on the UK will be.


Yes well, the warm beer thing is clearly an age thing and a male thing.
Bit like Brexshit really :slight_smile:

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We discussed this further up I think - the point is that voting leave DOESN’T make you a knuckledragging xenophobe racist ignoramus, but that anyone answering that description IS overwhelmingly likely to have voted leave, even if it isn’t for the intelligent, high-minded, educated and xenophile reasons of those here who voted that way.


Please show some respect for your elders :smile:


And by the way I am a remainer.


It is the liers during the referendum campaign that we need to be angry with not those who believed the lies.


…a waste of an hour in the Postoffice to spend £5.50 on a useless hand written grey paper licence that looks like my mum’s ration book.

I feel the last 40 years have vanished in a nasty puff of burning MP.

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IKWYM - amused me when my photo was attached with a Pritt-Stick :slight_smile:

I guess no-one has bothered to update the document since 1968

Amused? You have a much better sense of humour than I do :slight_smile:

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