What Brexit means to me

Not expats. Immigrants. Is their attitude so surprising?
I have seen too much really unpleasant anti-remainer rhetoric.


My comments were on how immigrants/expats viewed Leavers Vero, not how remainers are viewed elsewhere.

So you find it amusing that my worry that I might not be allowed to live with my daughter in Munich amusing.
I cannot say what I think of that because it would be too rude.

Jane, you are free to say whatever you like (however rude).

Surely getting French nationality will enable you to live in Germany?

The whole point is why the hell should be put to that when when I came here I had that right?

One day Stellaā€¦ one dayā€¦

Actually Tim, other than what I might (not am - I am not that gullible) be entitled to in my retirement having paid into the system since I left school in 1980, yes, I will be applying for French Nationality the first chance I get. I want to retain the Freedoms I have enjoyed all my adult life - freedom to travel unencumbered throught the EU Shengen area in particular. I am lucky in the fact that I have been married to a French girl for 12 years now so the path will be relatively smooth I hope.

For the record, I DONT loath the country I was born in (actually Wales - I adore THAT country), but I do loath the present-day leaders that are taking the UK in a direction that I firmly regard as wrong, purely to satisfy their own agendas. Mayā€™s recent speech to the 1922 Committee backs up my belief that this whole debacle is engineered purely to keep this loathsome Party in power. With a few notable exceptions, who are likely to find themselves either deselected or outvoted at the next GE, the majority of the current crop of parliamentarians are only interested in what they can do to either gain power or stay in power.

This whole Brexshit ā€˜will of the peopleā€™ crap is heaven-sent manna for power-hungry egomaniacs to latch onto to prove that they have the peopleā€™s interests at heart.

After I have left the UK, I will never want to participate in any future elections there again. They have lost my respect.


Hi Jane - We have a house in Carmaux in the Tarn (a few miles north of Albi). Heading there for a week this Friday evening! Unfortunately (or fortunately - depending on which way you look at it), I have to remain here as I have a senior position with a company that I am committed to - at least until I am 60. The financials say that I need to carry on for a bitā€¦


I honestly do try and see the funny side of it most of the time. For me the Marina Hyde article I posted a link to comes under that category. The rest of the time I just have a feeling of sadness. I donā€™t think isolationism is the way forwards. I think we are stronger together in the EU (which is far from perfect I know) and need to be given todayā€™s geo-political forces.

So I am happy to poke fun at myself and others. I just donā€™t see how threatening someone with the loss of their pension or healthcare is funny but appreciate you may not have meant it that way.

I totally agree that ruminating over Brexit is unhealthy. Yet here we are. The problem ties back into an addiction to news that I mentioned a while ago on another thread. This has been proven to have negative effects upon psychological and physical health. As humans we want the whole story and yet we are fed continual snippets and never get to have the complete picture. This leads to continual checking for more updates and so the cycle continues. I agree that it is best to trust that things will work out in the end re our rights. The worry is also what the hell is happening in the UK!?

As for UK immigrants being rude to people who voted leave in the UK, yes letā€™s keep it civil, or just agree to disagree. There are plenty of Eurosceptics in France too. However I donā€™t see any remainers making death threats. Jo Cox was murdered because of her support for Immigration and the EU. So I donā€™t want to be rude to anyone, but the referendum result has resulted in an outpouring of utterly toxic behaviour and frankly outlandish assumptions of what is possible on the part of A SECTION of those who voted leave.


Iā€™m in the Tarn too Carlā€¦
Itā€™s not a bad place to be

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You are not alone though Jane

My sister currently lives in Menorca
Her eldest daughter lives in Geneva & her
youngest is moving back to Spain in a yearā€™s time.

What are your suggestions for how I see my family in future ?

There are international families that have taken advantage of the freedom that being in the EU has given them.
To take that away is cruel.
I donā€™t know what your family will decide to, as Spain doesnā€™t have dual nationality.
My daughter had to take German nationality pdq as Germany only allows dual nationality to those from nations in the EU.
That is why the figures for Germany are so much higher than for other countries.
We can but hope that the European Green Card scheme will come to fruition and we can retain the rights we presently have.
I find it amazing that there are people who, whilst their circumstances are straightforward, find it hard to understand that it is not so easy for others.
Good luck to you and your family.

Michael Winner said it first in an advert.

Although I left the UK before brexit was dreamt of (except by the ā€˜swivel eyed loonsā€™), this echoes many of my own feelings nowā€¦

See plenty of French MAMIL on their bikes here (middle aged men in Lycra) :rofl:

Not just MAMIL, I passed a clutch of bundles of leather and sinews today, 7 or 8 of them who were definite UGMIL (ultra geriatric men in lycra) aggregate age pushing 600 Iā€™d say.
Or else they were 40 and being out on your bike is very ageing.


Ha ha - I hope you hadnā€™t just eaten :rofl:

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Not just middle aged menā€¦

ā€œOld men packaged in electric pinkā€ is not something I moved here for

Why have you become so patronising?

I have no idea how my family plan to deal with their future status.
My sister has no plans to head back to UK ; nor my niecesā€¦in fact, weā€™ve none of us ever discussed it.
I suppose, subconsciously, weā€™ve never thought Brexit would really happen.