What haven't you done, ever?

My maternal grandad was a conductor on a double decker and then an outer circle single decker but both with the leather satchel and the machine that he would hand whir and punch out the tickets for passengers…when he finished his shift when we were at our gran’s we would hear him stroll up the entry and hide behind my grans chair…he would look through the window and we would squeal with delight when he came in and found us…lol…he always came in with either whirly toffees or bonbons from Woolies…I’m no psycho analyst but to drive a bus rather than being a passenger would suggest a certain comfort of being in control of life direction…being able to hide it at will even more so…my last dream was of horses breaking into my field…my Collies saw them off and sent them out of the field but then a whole load of tourists wandered up my field into my garden and I had one helluva time explaining to them that there was no right of way and they had to go back and exit where the horses had entered…My recurring dream is of an ancient woman with braided hair bathed in a soft pale pink translucent glow…she has talons as fingernails and spins an ever revolving sphere of light in her hands…x :slight_smile:

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I’m glad I posted my dream. The feedback has been remarkably useful. The more I reflect on it the more it reveals to me about myself: about control; about the need to please; and about the illusion of secrecy.

Nothing world-shattering but oddly comforting.

Helen6 your recurring dream is rather wonderful and I’m glad you shared it. There is a profound truth in it, if that’s not too overblown for general consumption :innocent::face_with_thermometer::eye:

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I’ve never been to India, and I would love to. :curry::india:

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Go James - go! India gives you loads of things but, more than anything, it gives you colour, vibrancy, warmth and perspective.


It’s a great place, but don’t forget about the smells (some good, some bad) and the poverty. We used to take bundles of pencils from Ikea and pens from Argos to give to the children, rather than money, to maybe help with their education.


I’ve never been to, or felt the need to go to a gym

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I was advised years ago, leave the car at home, walk/jog to the gym, you won’t need to pay, instead, the dosh will buy a few beers on the way home :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve never understood the gym thing. In my last job a large number of my colleagues were gym members who used to go on and on about their targets for the week. I walked and cycled a fair bit. I was significantly fitter than any of them. These days with more walking and cycling plus quite a lot of gardening, log shifting and other reasonably heavy work I feel better health wise than I have done for years.


Yes, it’s just like those people you can see in the bio shop who all look as if they have grown up under a paving slab, they are so pale and spindly. I always wonder if the paleness and spindliness is the cause or the effect of their being in the bio shop.


We had neighbours here… just like that… always looked as if a puff of wind would blow them away… and always had chest problems … sniffles/coughs etc… wouldn’t touch/use/wear anything involving synthetics and only foraged for bio produce to eat…

We decided to live dangerously… and, despite hiccups… we are both still here…:relaxed:


The exception I knew in Portugal, was a French Girl, She was well over 6ft, built like an Amazon, Her and her relatively ‘weedy’ male partner lived on a tiny sailboat, spent a lot of time searching for wild plants to eat, ate no meat, She anyway, seemed to be thriving :thinking:

My elder brother “eat like a horse” all his life and was wafer thin… Mum used to say (ominously) “he must have worms”… but no, it was just his metabolism…:zipper_mouth_face:

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A closer look might have revealed the thousands of tiny dimples on their skin, Véro, the impressions left on their bodies over time by the undersurface of the slabs they live beneath.

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I actually see them fairly close up because I always end up carrying or just loading (into trolley and then car) the 5kg sacks of rapadura/flour/oat bran whatever for them since they have trouble.
Very convenient those big bags, unless you can’t pick them up, obviously. :wink:


I think people lose weight in the Summer, I lose it in the winter, think I must ‘burn a lot up’ keeping warm?

Flown in a glider, that may well go on the birthday wish list this year :slightly_smiling_face:


She’s been a recurring dream/a constant for so many years now that I’ll now often set the intention to connect with her in Dreamtime when something is really troubling me in “real life”…She never alters who she is…but in my intention to connect with her in Dreamtime before drifting off to sleep she always provides insight…During some very dark days she showed me what I can only describe as unravelling historical videotape…reams and reams of video tape unspooling spontaneously…I watched it as it fell to Earth…A friend used to have a recurring dream of burying 3 bodies in a location fairly close by…he suffered a violent and abusive childhood…I tend to think that in his recurring dream he was burying surpressed emotions of the physical helplessness of childhood when confronted with violence… and of the emotional protectiveness of his mother and the hidden and buried rage that ensues from any child put in that situation…

I had a thought whilst filling the hedge trimmer with the petrol/oil mix this morning after it started to splutter due to almost having no fuel…

I have been driving since 1971 and have never run out of petrol or diesel.