Whatever about Trump, he’s not boring 🤭

And one is more than enough!


Another Trump thread - Boring.

If you don’t like it, don’t bloody read it.


It appears that you are an admirer of the “Very Stable Genius” and like him get a little bit tetchy when things don’t go your way. This might cheer you up

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Have you been at the altar wine again?

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Trump is what he is, but he’s good for America. Sleepy Joe and his nefarious dealings should have been indicted but once again, the loony left fight dirty.

The USA needs a leader as does the U.K. and leaders certainly don’t come from the left with all of their Woke fluffiness.

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Are you a troll?

Rhetorical question as I’m sure you’ll say you’re not!

Are you another one in the Trump cult?

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Aren’t you missing something interesting on GB News or similar? By the way - woke is good. Final answer.


Woke sucks, and GB News is the best!

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Whatever an internet troll is, I could be, but then who isn’t?

Trump fan 100%

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Whatever :roll_eyes:

Strangely John, I am getting to like you!

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Wow, just wow. I thought that this was from this thread:

Being accused of being woke is not a criticism- just check the definition, it is actually a compliment. Then just consider the opposite of the words in the definition of woke - I very much know what I would rather be.


Right wing bigots hurl it as an insult. More considered individuals view it as a complement. But then, as Kathy Burke puts it “I love being woke. It’s much nicer than being an ignorant twat”.


Internet troll or not, any Trump fan is a totally selfish, short sighted idiot, who totally forgets that, for better or worse, the USA is the leader of the free world and not just there for the benefit of those who already have a good life.

Loony left! There is no Left in the US only a bit left of centre. And what’s wrong with WOKE? An often misunderstood term. It actually means: ‘being aware or well informed in a political or cultural sense’, nothing wrong with that. I suppose the opposite is ’ ignorant’. Which is how some politicians would like to keep the population as they are easier to manipulate.
The looney right spokesman Rees Mogg often uses WOKE as an insult, a man who thinks tearing up all EU rights is a good thing, rights such as: paid holidays, air safety rules, rights to compensation if flights are cancelled, preventing carcinogens been used in cosmetics , animal welfare rules etc. Now that’s looney!


So if you’re ‘woke’ you’re not being manipulated too?

Of course I am, but aware of it.

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