Whats for Dinner Tonight?

Perhaps it is intended to mop up the alcohol… ???

Potato , onion , bit of stock , layer of butter covered with pastry and baked. I somehow think the trust isn’t really promoting healthy eating

I’m back at work so no alcohol

Well, perhaps it will lie, heavily, in your tummy until you (eventually) get home… :thinking:

Death by chocolate for dessert or did the pie do it’s job?:grinning:

I’ve caught a cold from the 1-year old twins we baby-sat on Friday. Both had runny noses and clambered all over me. I was also soaked with a garden hose by their 3 year old brother.

I had two croissants, a banana and a cup of Tetley’s for my meal today. :sneezing_face:

I always enjoy reading about everyone’s dinner so opening up this thread once again.

Pork belly for me leftover from yesterday. Free range, of course, from Scotland.

Saw this on Youtube today. Absolutely extraordinary - how much fat?! Oh, and love the way she cuts up the veg.

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Sausage toad tonight, cooked in a little duck fat. Served with spinach (which I drizzle with lemon juice)…

The batter is thickening in the fridge and OH is licking his lips at the thought of the delights to come.


Love sausage toad. We have to make a gluten free version so gluten free sausages and the batter made with gluten free flour. Nearly as good as the normal version but not quite.


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Mmm… not gluten free but certainly made locally. Half the sausages are "herby and half have piment d’Espelette (so are a little hot) and they are really tasty.

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Most supermarkets do gluten free sausages in the UK now but our favourites are from M&S and are outdoor bred. There’s some waiting in the fridge for our weekly sausage toad dinner.

Brilliant what a coincidence almost exactly what you posted over a year ago. Sausage Toad and Spinach! :rofl:
Any old thread that is reopened takes me straight to the top as I’ve never seen/read them before.
I’d read about 7 or 8 posts before I’d realised how old it was :woman_facepalming:t3: lol

Goodness - I had no idea I was so “regular” (despite all the figs)…:upside_down_face:

It’s been too hot during the summer and the cooler days are encouraging me to think about cooking much to OH’ s relief I suspect. :sweat_smile:


I should add that we do have Sausage Toad once or twice a month during colder months… sometimes with a Hot Pepper Sauce - always with whatever veg is to hand but not potatoes (too starchy for OH).

Back in the UK he would ask for (and get) roasties…as well… but not now…:wink::upside_down_face:

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I’ve made some ricotta, sun dried tomato and basil (slightly misshapen) ravioli, which we will have with spinach and courgette sauce. Fresh home made sourdough bread and a nice bottle of red. Followed by raspberry tart. All the herbs, fruit and veg from the garden - I love this time of year!


C’Mon the ‘boys’ (am l allowed to call grown men boys.) I made a nice Mango chicken curry and basmati rice this evening with a couple of left over Pitta breads from our last Greek themed feast. Followed by homegrown mirabelles in a crusty pie and salted caramel ice cream - All washed down with a lovely 2018 Bourgogne Chardonnay.

I love cooking and apart from illness or injury have prepared all of our evening meals for the past 19 years - and still learning every day. Surely there must be other men who have the cooking bug​:blush::blush::blush:


Definitely OK in the circles I move in … where even us ladies “of a certain age” get called girls by one and all, if the occasion merits it … :wink: and I’ve no problem with that…

Life is so much more fun if we relax and go with the flow…

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Good for you!

My hubby loved cooking and was an excellent cook. Even when he was very ill towards the end of his life he still wanted to prepare vegetables/meat and we even bought a single plaque electrique so that he could do some basic cooking in the living room. It was a joy to see the pleasure he got from it.


That’s lovely Mandy. What was his favourite dish??

OH likes to help chop things up, weigh things, that sort of thing… but he leaves the actual cooking to me.

He loved Chinese food and studied it with a passion for a few years. He tried a thousand different recipes for sweet and sour sauce until he got it perfect. His favourite dish was sweet and sour chicken and vegetables with egg fried rice (the rice was always my job and took me so long to perfect). Can’t face cooking it now and, anyway, no-one would appreciate it as much as he did :slightly_frowning_face:

He also tried to find the ultimate spare ribs and beef & tomatoes. He never really got there but he absolutely loved trying out all the recipes.

His favourite food that I cooked was a full “English” breakfast which we always had for dinner, especially when I could get “proper” bacon and sausages. Failing that then a rich and saucy homemade lasagne (he taught me the ultimate bolognese sauce).

Lovely memories but still very sad :cry: