What's going on with AstraZeneca?

Seems very strange that Moderna has had reports of the clotting issue. And yet Pfizer has not yet they are both supposed to work using the same mechinism. I am not sure which mechanism J&J works by.

Yes but will they maintain the pace? I believe that Covid-19 kills about one in eight hundred so if they have AZ vaccine more lives will be lost if they don’t use it.

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Back in March I said …

I still believe that. Nothing that’s emerged since has led me to change my view


If you push it out profit-free there is nothing left for the “Brown Envelopes”!
If you doubt that just look at the dodgy and contradictory research people like the EMA quote to justify themselves.
And the media are in it too -the blood clot incidence for AZ is less than 5 per milliion but, unreported, are the results for Pfizer (fined in the past for corruption) figures of about 45 per million.
Follow Dr John Campbell for interesting , checkable, facts

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Neighbour currently in hospital with a blood clot…appeared the day after his first Pfizer vaccine. Healthy, early 60’s, normal BP and not overweight or a smoker.

Hope he will be OK. How was it noticed? Was he particularly on the alert for this?

Day after started feeling weird, with pain in shoulder. And then classic calf pain, so called doctor. It never occurred to them to worry about this! Bad luck…

Where exactly is this clot?

Ended up as classic DVT in calf…but doc slightly worried to start by pain in clavicle area. Of course may be totally unrelated, but coincidence high as no prior risk factors… (edit…was actually a couple of days after, and having had covid a few months back that was considered as a risk factor. But has had it busted, so all well now and back home)

I heard from a medical person in the UK that AZ statistically was no worse, maybe better, than many other everyday life events, that may or may not kill us.
Something like 0.86 cases per million doses or some such…

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