When is heat hot... and what can you do about it


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I have had to walk up the street and back down, twice today, that is more than enough exercise for this year. :relaxed:

I’m wearing the bare minimum to remain decent and not frighten the horses… and I pottered from one shady part to another… but the heat is around 46C again today and this morning’s tiny breeze has become a flaming torch from the fires of hell… :sweat::sweat::sweat:

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Oh my goodness and I thought 37°C was bad enough. I’m looking forward to Wednesday when the temperature should drop below 30 here. :sweat:

I think I shall sleep in a freezer… :wink:

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In a couple of months we’ll all be moaning when summer is over​:umbrella::dash::snowflake:


When talking about the weather… my current response to folk is :
“Il neige en Angleterre”…

It is wonderful to see for just that fractional moment, the acceptance of my words…when they believe it to be quite possible. :open_mouth:

Then, of course, the expression changes and they bellow with laughter… :rofl::joy::laughing:

I tell folks, I like the weather here, the only difference between summer and Winter in Scotland was,
The rain was warmer in the Summer :slightly_smiling_face:


Sue pulled up an onion today and put a meat thermometer in it… 47.3c / 115f


I worry about the cats and the rest of the animals

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Me too. Exactly the same here in the Clunysois.

The trouble is that the cats do not air con and fans.
And you can not make them drink water.

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I think that as long as humans don’t restrict the movements and other natural beviours of cats (including having access to water) they will manage their own survival of the heatwave. And if they don’t it was meant to be that way.

I love cats.

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we both love them so much!

Our dog keep going outside to lie in the sun (she’s black, you can imagine the temperature) and then back in the house to lie on the tiles. I suppose she has a good reason for it, but can’t find what it is :dizzy_face:

Our cat certainly doesn’t accept restriction of movement and has been spending all day and night outdoors. We leave water outside but she doesn’t seem to drink much nor eat either. She’s is the boss though…

It’s unlikely that your black dog absorbs much heat from its fur, Babeth. Thermoregulation in animals is not like like that of humans, which relies mainly on the evaporation of sweat (water) via the skin. As you clearly say in your report on your dog’s behaviour, they know what they need to do to be safe and comfortable.

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And she looks like she enjoys it a lot. On the contrary, she can’t run fast enough into the house when we turn the tap on to water the veg patch !

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Have to put sun tan lotion on Kitty’s ears, she hates it but the vet says its essential. She has white ears and the fur is fine, a very big risk of sunburn and amputation if not :frowning:
She isn’t eating or drinking much either but has free access to outside when she wants it.
Gave her a small bowl of milk cut with water, she had a little drink but isn’t fussed.
I feel really sorry for all the wild animals too, so many of their natural sources have dried up. I put water in a large shallow dish for any passing animal.
My étang level has dropped a lot and the fish aren’t happy, no way to refresh it though so I guess its survival of the fittest.
Oh and as a last thought mum is not happy either, at 86 years young its essential she doesn’t get hydrated, but like Kitty she doesn’t want to eat or drink much either…

I’ve decided to move in to my local Crédit Agricole. It’s the coolest place I’ve been in the last few weeks. Wonder if they will mind? :laughing::sweat::sunny:

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