Why is it a "very bad thing" to be a Tory?

I've had loads of SD1's AND I'm a Tory

In fact this SD1 which I bought with my dad many years ago has just been immortalised by Corgie.

How cool is that eh?

Quite right Véro. The trouble with these Tories unlike Home, Macmillan, Butler, Heath and so on is that they appear to have no hinterland. I just can't understand for example people like Chris Grayling. Oh and by the way Bob someone your age should not be using those silly animated icons it's just naff and very irritating; but perhaps your children have already said that.

I think that Tory doesn't mean quite the same thing as it did - I remember Lord Home of the Hirsel being what I thought of as a Tory as a child: a delightful man like an ideal uncle, old fashioned, decent, tweed-clad and concerned, in a paternalistic way no doubt, about the welfare of individuals.

The problem nowadays is that Tories come over as a bunch of self-seeking sleazy wide-boys all in it together with no real concern for ALL, who do exemplify to many people (rightly or wrongly) a vulgar nose-in-the-trough 'I'm all right Jack' attitude as well as complete detachment from the preoccupations of a big slice of the population, who have ditched the concern for everyone's welfare along with the tweed, replacing them with caricatural behaviour: photo opportunities, soundbites and celebrity gloss. And getting richer. They seem a lot more interested in what the country can do for them rather than what they can do for the country, this could admittedly be said of many politicians in the UK and elsewhere but in the case of the Conservative party it is particularly blatant.

Ghastly & I wouldn't vote for them.

I'm saying this, by the way, as a product of exactly the same type of education which produced DC & Co. ie boarding prep school, boarding public school and Cambridge.

You may be thinking of the parable of the talents which actually puts it rather more clearly...

Er, no, person 2 is actually an ecologist. Person 1 probably voted UKIP, in spite of the dodgy forrin food ;-)