Why should I subscribe to SFN?!

I'm just checking on that Johnny.

YOU may think that this is mad but can I put a chq in the post for a good few months sub?

Shall I gather that the idea of either you or Catherine operating renatal/agency via SF is not of interest?

I am sure that the owners of gites woulld be happy to offer 10% ON each rental achievement on SF?????

Hi Johnny,

What I mean to say is that you can complete the transaction via PayPal using a credit card without the need for a PayPal account. If that makes sense?



I live here, I live a more French than any other life, but I sit at home writing. Most of that is in English. It is a very solitary existence and actually most reports and articles are quite tedious. So I break every few minutes when something pops up on the SFN tab. Without SFN I would be very much more alone. The exchanges are good. I have had fun, some raging rows, wonderful debates, learned a lot and exchanged so much it is untellable. €1 a month, in an age where VFM is so important, this is!

I subscribe to SFN simply because I'd be quite gutted if it didn't survive. SFN is an invaluable resource to all those living in France, holidaying in France or simply dreaming of France. The members contributions make it a success BUT without all of James & Catharine's hard work (& expense in running the site - believe me it is NOT free as many people believe) it would not be here...so please - if you would have bought a 'France' Mag or Newspaper before - think of this as your new online Magazine - Only SO MUCH better as it's interactive!

I've gladly renewed my subscription which fell flat when I moved my Paypal account to France. Why? Because 'moving into the great unknown' for me was an extremely daunting prospect to undertake by myself while being responsible for a youngster and menagerie. But I found support, friendship and a wealth of information. The advice and information alone would have taken me literally 100s of (wo)man hours to research and I'm a pretty busy lady already so to find everything I need here is worth a lot more to me than €1 a month. Love you guys. x

I've "Liked" because I have helped and been helped by other members. Been in France for half of my life now, but it doesn't mean I know everything, and I learn a lot through this site.

So thumbs up