Any cheerful news today? (Nothing negative please! šŸ™‚)

Building and energy standards change periodically and are usually raised. As a buyer I would want to know exactly how the house fits (or doesnā€™t) to current norms.

Ahaā€¦ both Janes are (I think) posting on the Cheerful News thread by mistakeā€¦

And I have just compounded the problem!!

Back to cheerful newsā€¦itā€™s our wedding anniversary today.


Happy Anniversaryā€¦ !!!


Iā€™ve successfully used some felt-ish furniture footpads and glue to repair a couple of kids pool cues.

Theyā€™re not entirely straight, but then the ancient MDF pool table isnā€™t exactly flat nor level.




Happy anniversary Jane! Just made me think it is our 20th next month!

Tennis and aperos this evening with my friend and all the kids!


Happy Anniversary :sunglasses:, just got my two 4x3m canopies delivered for my decking, really surprised me as I didnā€™t think anyone delivered on a Sunday in France.
I have now just got to get them mounted :laughing:


photo when done please, Colin?

No problem.

I had a problem with the Reply button, in that it wouldnā€™t and then it asked me which post I wanted to reply to and sent it to the wrong one.

easily doneā€¦ you are not aloneā€¦

I am sure that the current norm is for no asbestos. If the last report said no asbestos, why on earth would you think that anyone had added some?

No asbestos ??? thatā€™s certainly ā€œcheerful newsā€ :hugs:

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This reply is in the wrong place. I have just had to restart my machine as it was being stupid.

Happy anniversary!


There are times when being the only elderly English woman in a French village is a huge advantage. :grin: With COVID and everything being cancelled we have not had a chance to meet our new mayor and that was beginning to worry me. Weā€™d met the secretary, but not the mayor. And I had a really good relationship with the previous one - bisous all round.
With COVID, stuff hasnā€™t been happening in the commune and this year and last the fauchage twice missed the farm road that descends to our land. I spoke to the secretary earlier in the year, but nothing happened, so was slightly dreading having another conversation. Joy of joys, sheā€™s on holiday and this morning it was the mayor in the office. As soon as I opened my mouth (of course) he said he knew who I was and where I lived. Even better, the councillor who manages the fauchage popped in - so I was able to show him the photos of a totally overgrown ditch and a plan of where it is and there was much twinkling and teasing about the ā€œEnglishā€ summer and he tried his English (and I tried my French, which gets worse every day) and they promised they would look after me! :grin:


Got notice of a refund from lā€™impĆ“t this morningā€¦ not a huge amount but a least it wasnā€™t the other way roundā€¦


Iā€™m taking a little break from social media at the moment (for the sake of my mental health!) but cheerful things help me so I wanted to share that, as reported on the driving license thread, Iā€™ve just received an email saying my request has been accepted and I should receive the new licence in 15 days :smiley:

(If Iā€™m not around and anyone wants to contact me, send a PM as Iā€™m notified about those, or email if we have swapped addresses)


Glad things are moving on the licences front :sunglasses: