Any cheerful news today? (Nothing negative please! 🙂)

when you have your interview, are you tested on your french knowledge. How good a level of french, is acceptable. Mine is not bad, but my lady wife is not so good. Do you both have to be pretty fluent. thanks.

Are you talking about naturalisation? You can’t even apply until you have proof that your French is at B1 level (which is not actually that high) by way of a certificate or diploma. And the hour long (approx) interview is in French and my experience is that they make no concessions, even with masks on! Very nice interviewer but she spoke at speed and rattled off questions like a shot gun. You need to be able to manage that.

Back home in France after 9 miserable days in England: grey skies, crowded roads and shops, hardly anyone wearing masks.


Glad you are safely back, Nigel! :smiley:

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Many thanks Angela.

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Indeed good news after putting together the dossier, the mandatory 2 copies and documents less than 3 months old that take a month or two to get a triumph!

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A bit in shock after 2 years of the computer saying NON a lycee professional has called therectorate and I’ve resubmitted my documents and today (well yesterday morning but with our internet outage only saw it this evening) I got this :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck: :clinking_glasses: :clinking_glasses: :clinking_glasses: :clinking_glasses:

Objet : rĂ©ponse Ă  votre candidature “Enseignant - ANGLAIS”

Bordeaux, le 21/09/2021

Madame, Monsieur XXXXXX,

Vous avez fait acte de candidature pour un poste “Enseignant - ANGLAIS” au sein de l’acadĂ©mie de Bordeaux et nous vous en remercions.

AprĂšs Ă©tude de votre dossier par l’inspecteur, nous vous informons que votre candidature a reçu un avis favorable pour occuper un poste en tant que contractuel sur des remplacements.

Toutefois, Ă  ce jour, nous n’avons pas pas de poste Ă  vous proposer. Par consĂ©quent, nos services conservent votre dossier dans le cas oĂč une opportunitĂ© se prĂ©senterait en cours d’annĂ©e.

Le service du remplacement se mettra en relation avec vous dĂšs qu’une possibilitĂ© se prĂ©sentera au sein de l’acadĂ©mie.

Nous vous prions d’agrĂ©er, Madame, Monsieur, l’expression de nos salutations distinguĂ©es.

Le bureau de gestion des remplacements DPE6
Direction des personnels enseignants
Académie de Bordeaux


Congratulations :sunglasses:, a foot in the door :slightly_smiling_face:

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Well done Tory!

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That is good news!

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Super news @toryroo :grin: :grin:

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Excellent news Tory! Now all you need is an actual job but that should come before too long :crossed_fingers:

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Super. Open a bottle.

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Good news Tory, :smiley:

Mine? Have just heard that an extremely maltreated lady Dobie called Noubia may well be coming our way to stay next Tuesday. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

She is 9 years old, found straying in Spain, sent to a fourriere for one week to await a claimant or death, rescued first into a refuge then a foster home, promised rehabilitation to France once an adopter was found, travelled through 5 countries on a van to eastern France to a new home only 1 week before a severe family upset forced a further move, this time to Limoges where she developed intestinal problems, was thus rejected by new owners :rage: but hopefully after vet treatment this weekend, will be a new companion for Jules, and us. :hugs:

A veritable wonder as a Dobie, she has been tested ok with chickens, cats, puppies (she has obviously had some, possibly as a breeder’s ‘factory’) dogs, large and small and children, and hasn’t eaten any of them yet. Just a grumpy old man and doddery old lady to go and she’ll have the full set. :rofl:

Do you think I’m pleased? :joy:


Bravo David :clap: :pray: :innocent:

Just think, any visitors we get next week might get to meet her. :thinking:

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Had a call from the lycee today and contact with the contract lady at the rectorate, they are doing up my contract, I have my timetable and I start Tuesday :crazy_face: :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :rofl: Not feeling very well so all feels a bit overwhelming! Glad I chose part time not full time until I get into it all!


Wow! That’s fast
and exciting!

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Gosh that’s quick! And excellent of course :smiley: So sorry you aren’t feeling well
 please look after yourself :worried:


So glad for you Tory

Very sensible of them finally. And you are starting at the front part of a whole school year. So this should run and give both sides some security

What was the extra step taken that changed their mind?